Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hollyhocks And Vines And No Internet.

At first I wasn't even sure if I would even be able to be writing this post as yesterday the Internet was out for most of the day and not only here but in the entire town and even in neighbouring towns,too(I never did find out why) and they said maybe even for up for 2 days! Of course both the 17 and 25 YR old had days off yesterday too and couldn't use their computers ( it figures, just our luck) but at least they were still able to play their video games. It's sooo hot now too we have the A/C on now and it's going to 30 C today and we had a big thunderstorm the other night too to cool off the humidity. It's like we skipped spring and just went straight to summer.  I saw Hollyhocks( like the ones pictured here) the other day too and it brought back happy childhood memories as when I was a kid I used to see Hollyhocks pretty much everywhere back in the 70's; in people's gardens, growing wild in fields, at camp, the cottage, you name it, but now I hardly ever see them at all; it's almost like they're extinct, and the last time I saw any was in some randon garden in Kingston 2 years or so ago and you can't even find thse tall ones anymore but rather some new version that grows on bushes. I didn't even used to like them when I was a kid; I used to think that they were big and ugly at the time but now I like them because now they are nostalgic and bring back happy memories of a happy time in my life. It's the same with Gladioloi and lilacs(I've always liked them but they also bring back happy memories), which are now finally starting to bloom, which is rare this year as they usually open earlier in May and now I also have to go on my annual Lilac Hunt. I had a dream as well that I died this Friday, 29 May(that's also one of the kids' 21st birthday too so I hope NOT) so if I do I want lilacs at my funeral and it will be interesting to see if anything actually comes of it although I'm sure by then I will have  forgotten about it.

I also photo-documented  the stages of bud development in the leaves on our vines at the back as they slowly start to open up, also late in the season and our mulberry trees don't even have leaves yet although they always are the last anyway and even the other trees just opened within the past week or so so this year everything  is a Late Bloomer( but then again so was I, ha,ha) My doctor also called yesterday for my app't( that's the new thing now with the "pandemic": phonecall app'ts) and I was waiting for the call only I didn't know that with no InterNet the phone wouldn't work as it's connected so there I was, waiting for a call, for the phone to ring and it never did and then my hubby comes up and said he did call and it was re-routed to his e-mail so I had to call him back using my hubby's cell phone. Weird, I know. Who knew? He re-newed my prescriptions and doubled the diuretic from 20mg to 40mg as my fluid retention is really  bad lately, esp. in my legs. ankles, feet, and hands, and said to increase my BP dose, and when I asked to run a blood test for Addison's Disease since I have the symptoms and strongly suspect I have it he said it's very rare and very dangerous and  if I did I'd be really  lethargic,dehydrated, and sick which I am; I just "hide" it well(and I'm so used to feeling like crap daily I don't even think much about it anymore) I guess and don't "show" it, just like when I had Cholestasis and I knew it,too only the hospital didn't believe it as I didn't 'look and act' sick enough  but they took my blood anyway and sure enough called later confirming I was right and I did  have it afterall, so he said he will order a cortisol test.

I was also late bringing Buddy out for his walk waiting for my call all morning but lucky for me he's so understanding, patient, and forgiving and I love him so much for that and am so grateful that he puts up with me and even loves me in spite of everything, and the 13 YR old thought the Wild Cherry  song Play That Funky Music  was Play That F*CKING Music and my mother had the gall to turn off a Bon Jovi song right in the middle too which was just disrespectful but at least it wasn't Van Halen  though otherwise it would have been just unforgivable, and the 25 YR old got this T-shirt made with Justin Bieber's face on it from he was a teen (and at first I wasn't even sure who it was and then I recognized him and my first thought was merely WHY?????) on a purple shirt and he thinks it's hilarious, esp. looking so tough with his shaved head and then wearing this really "sissy" shirt and I told him he might as well have the words I am gay ironed on the back,too, and it's a good thing he knows jiu-jitsu otherwise he'd probably get beaten up. Even as much as the 17 and 18 YR old's have always liked that "pussy" Pop music to their credit at least even they never liked Justin Bieber! Even they have enough taste to never have liked that!

Yesterday my hubby also accused me of being drunk  if you can believe it when I don't even drink! He scowled at me and snarled, What are you, drunk; you're slurring your words!! and I wasn't even aware that I was and I hadn't taken anything and wasn't "on" anything so I wonder if maybe I had some sort of medical "episode" or something, like a mini-stroke perhaps, or something, esp. as I did  feel "off" all day yesterday,too; sort of "floaty" and "woozy" and I was dizzy and had a headache and all day Buddy was agitated, anxious and trying to "alert" me to something like he does when he senses danger, like he would when he senses an oncoming storm or before I have a seizure, but nothing happened that I was aware of, so I wonder what it was? I notice another sore bump on the back of my head again too but that might just also be a flea bite or something,too...

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