Friday, May 15, 2020

The Fortress.

You know how the neighbours at the corner have built this "backwards" fence with the wood slats going sideways instead of up and down and with no spacing in-between and I said it looks like they're building a fortress? Well, I think I was actually right, because now they also put up this iron gate,too,seen in the photo here! What next, a moat and draw-bridge,too? All that's missing now is the barbed-wire or razer blades along the top of the fence! This reminds me of when we lived in L.A; everyone had gates and fences and we even had bars on our windows and doors due to the crime and it makes me think they must have been robbed and someone must have either broken into their house or garage and this is a fear reaction( after I first got mugged and my mother did as well we were so scared we wouldn't leave the house for 2 weeks!) and security measure due to that but as I was walking Buddy thins morning I noticed a major security breach at the back; despite their efforts and expense at fortifying everything there's an easy access for burglars at the back as their A/C unit sits right next to the fence, which sits right up beside their back deck, so all a burglar has to easily do is jump up onto the A/C unit and then up onto the fence from there and then climb up onto the deck from there and voila; he's in the backyard!

As for us, we're having a BBQ this long holiday weekend; our first of the season, and my back is sooo sunburned I soaked in an Epsom salt bath this morning to help neutralize the sting and spray soothing Aloe on it for relief, and this morning it was already 10 C and lately it had been 0 C or below in the mornings but it's suppoed to get up to 20 C today! Finally, seasonal! Still too much rain though, generally like 4-5 days a week. Ugh! Also not being able to go to church for the past 8 weeks (that's 2 months!) which I really miss and not being able to do my regular tithing I decided instead to donate that $$$$$ to the local food bank.

I also saw this  on my morning walk with Buddy today and I just happened to have my camera with me,too( to take a photo of the Fortress for this post) which I don't normally have . Look closely....can you see it? Can you tell what it is? it's a little brown rabbit! He's seen here running away onto our lawn. I saw him hopping along the neighbour's lawn next door and then he went into the driveway and onto our lawn. It was hard to get a good shot of him as rabbits are very skittish( so would you be if everything was a predator that was always out to hunt and eat you) and I couldn't get too close. Buddy oddly didn't bother it and go after it( he doesn't with squirrels,either) like he does with mice and chipmunks, which he goes ape-shit hunting. The prey-drive is very strong in him for them, being the hunting-dog Dachshund that he is. I also heard on the news there was a bear spotted in town not too far from us, near the Wal-Mart, rooting around in garbage, no doubt hungry looking for food,  and I also had a revelation that I'm going to see a rainbow on the day I'm going to die, and I also had a dream I was waking up out of I remember hearing the words We got surveillence from the North; that's what it looks like it was.

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