Wednesday, May 27, 2020


They won't make me wear a mask or get a vaccine but this is actually the only mask that I ever would wear if I absolutely had to, that is, they would kill someone I loved if I didn't.  Do you recognize it? it's Fiona the hippo! With my breathing problems I wouldn't be able to breathe with my mouth covered up and always when I come out of surgery they even have it written down in my notes to NOT have the oxygen mask still on me once I wake up and am fully conscious and aware because I start to panic and claw at it frantically trying to pull it off and I can remember one time they forgot and I did; I was waking up trying to get it off my face, and I heard a voice in the background(I assume a nurse) saying Uh, oh! This one wasn't supposed to have a mask! and I could feel someone taking it off as I was fumbling around struggling trying to get it off as I wasn't quite totally awake yet; my eyes were still closed but I was starting to come "out" of it and I was aware enough I could still feel it on my face making me feel suffocated and panicked and I could hear. I also notice too that for the most part people in this town don't even wear masks and if you see the odd person that does you know they're from out of town.

This morning as I was out walking Buddy for his early morning walk just past 7 am as we were coming back I saw this car pull into our driveway and a guy got out and took someothing OUT  of our mailbox and hopped back into his car and drove away before I could race back in time to confront him and I was mad; I thought he was one of those Porch Pirates robbing us but I did take note of his license plate and car details the son-of-a-bitch as I was going to nail him good when I called the police.....and when I got in the door and told my hubby what just happened he said Oh, that was so-and-so just picking up his USB dtrive.... and I'm like Whaaaat? Why didn't he tell me? I thought we were being robbed and if I had been closer I would have really ripped into the poor guy.....just like the time he gave away our wagon to the neighbours without asking me( and I still needed it for my gardening,too!) or telling me and I saw it over there in their yard and was going to march over there and take it back thinking they stole it out of our yard.....holy shit.... one thing I don't like, tolerate, or put up with is being cheated, robbed, ripped-off, or taken advantage of.

  Yesterday it was also 30 C with a humidex of 36 C and I still did spend all day outside only in the shade all day; it was too hot, even for me; I like the heat but NOT the humidity, and today it's going to 31 C but feeling like 40 C so at some point I might even have to come inside and not be able to be out all day and we're supposed to break a 43 YR record today too from 28 C this day back in 1977. Yesterday when the 25 YR old came home from work he also gave me a lilac( one of my fave. flowers ever since I was a kid and still is) sprig he picked for me on the way home, knowing I love lilacs and I was sooo touched he thought to do that for me and I love lilacs sooooo much but he down-played it like it was no big deal( even though to me it was and it meant alot) saying he doesn't really care or feel love, etc. acting all "macho" etc. when I know that really, deep down he is a sweetheart and does have a big heart and is a good boy and there's a reason he's always been one of my favourites and he's actually one that treats me decently.

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