Friday, July 31, 2020

The First Animal Created.

Hippopotamuses are probably the first animals created by God 
Let’s check out Job 40 to see it. Job 40:15–19
15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.
16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!
17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.
18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.
19 It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.
Behemoth is translated by hippopotamus in many other versions. And “it ranks first among the works of God“ is a way of saying “it was the first animal created”.

Larf For Today.

The Shadows.

So the night before last I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and the next-door neighbour's bedroom window is directly across our upstairs hallway and even though they did have their lights off as I was walking by to the bathroom I noticed 2 shadows standing right in front of the window( perhaps it had been lit up by our security light in the driveway or something, I don't know) and it was very clear it was a naked young man and woman and the man was standing up and the woman was kneeling down in front of him giving him a BJ and I just gasped in shock and shut my eyes and quickly scrambled out of there as quickly as I could and ran back to bed as fast as I could, trying as hard as I could to erase that revolting image out of my head so I could go back to sleep but some things you just can't unsee. I have to say that I wasn't expecting to see that. Oh, my God! There were also 3-4 cop cars at the end of our street early yesterday morning when I took Buddy out for his morning walk so I guess either the corner store got robbed again or maybe someone got shot or something or another redneck domestic but my hubby joked maybe someone got reported to the Mask  Gestapo  for not wearing a mask indoors. HA! I also discovered that bug repellent spray covers up weed smell and that bug repellent seems to be my "official" scent/perfume of summer.

This is also the nice new chess set the 25 YR old got and the timer is now digital,too. It came in a box(the timer) that had a picture on it that it looked like something you'd use to build a bomb,too, and yesterday he had a friend over to and taught them jiu-jitsu and sometimes he and others practice "underground" as it's still officially shut down due to the so-called overblown "pandemic" even though it's completely resolved here and we have zero cases in the entire county they still do it anyway and he jokes he runs an illegal Fight Club (ha,ha) and now parents are scared shit-less to even send their kids back to school in the fall(at least the good of it though is that now homeschooling is now more widely known and accepted and practiced) and everyone is now just so afraid of everything and everyone, of going out, and even scared of their own shadow; the authorities and the media have scared everyone into blind submission( that's a well-known tactic to control people; frighten and isolate them and then they look up to the gov't for guidance and "protection"; they know what to do to "help" us, to keep us "safe",  and put misguided blind trust into them and do whatever they tell them, even at the loss of their freedom and it's sort of like that analogy of slowly boiling a frog in a pot of water; put it in the pot and slowly turn the temp up and it won't notice it's being slowly boiled alive and it adapts and gets used to it and over time slowly accepts it but if you boil it all at once it notices and refuses and revolts; that's the way it is with the Coronavirus "pandemic" and panic; they isolate and separate and scare people slowly over time, take away their rights and they accept it as the new norm without  question; divide and conquer, and sadly most of them don't even see what's happening and those that do are labelled crazy or conspiracy theorists.

I was also walking Buddy yesterday and there's this workman across the street and he didn't see Buddy at first as being a low-rider( Dachshund) he was hidden buried behind the tall grass and he just saw me chattering away and at first he said to me he thought I was crazy, talking to myself until he later saw the tiny dog emerge from behind the grass and he laughed. I do also happen to be crazy but that's another matter. My hubby was screaming and berating me again for repeating myself(which is an Asperger's thing I can't help and he knows it and I'm not even aware that I do until someone complains about it) and then I, tired of always being bawled out for something I have no control over, gave it right back to him and shot back,What about your  stupid 'Retard Noises' that you do( that annoy the f*ck out of ME and that the therapist told me before that he can't help and I shouldn't criticize,yet for some reason it IS ok for him to always put me down for things I can't help?)well, I can't help it,either, only I'm  the only one that gets belittled for it, and if YOU look in the mirror you'll see that YOU'RE old, fat and ugly TOO! just to remind him that I'M not the only one(even though he hates me for it and I'm the only one who gets berated for it) and then the asshole shut-up! I'm just soooo sick and tired of all his abuse and his shit. he also refused to help me get the news on as it wasn't working for me and he had to get it thru the laptop to the TV but he was too busy with his addiction (Dr.Mario game on his phone) and wouldn't even stop for a few mere seconds to help me,either. He's such a colossal prick!

My mother saw her doctor yesterday too and her blood sugar is up(of course as she ignores her diabetes diet and hardly ever even bothers to take her blood sugar) and is vitamin D deficient as she never even goes outside anymore( so doesn't get any sunlight, something I don't have to worry about) as all she ever does now is lays in bed all day so he told her the same thing he always does and as usual she'll ignore him as she always does and then she'll continue to feel nauseated and have no energy like she always does because she doesn't manage her diabetes and then she'll complain why does she feel so sick all the time and so it goes.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

New World Order.

  It’s just a mask.
It’s just six feet.
It’s just two weeks.

It’s just non-essential businesses.
It’s just non-essential workers.
It’s just a bar.
It’s just a restaurant.
It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It’s just until the cases go down.
It’s just to flatten the curve.
It’s just a few inmates.
It’s just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just for a few more weeks.
It’s just church. You could still pray.
It’s just prayer.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just a bracelet.
It’s just an app.
It’s just for tracing.
It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just a few more months.
It’s just some more inmates.
It’s just a video.
It’s just a post.
It’s just an email account.
It’s just for protecting other from hate speech.
It’s just for protecting others from hurt feelings.
It’s just a large gathering but for protests.
It’s just a few violent protests.
It’s just a little micro chip.
It’s just a blood test.
It’s just a test.
It’s just a scan.
It’s just for medical information.
It’s just to store a vaccination certificate.
It’s just like a credit card.
It’s just a few places that don’t take cash.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It’s just mail-in voting.
It’s just a few more years.
It’s just a statue.
It’s just a monument.
It’s just a building.
It’s just a song.
It’s just a lyric.
It’s just an anthem.
It’s just a few words.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It’s just a book.
It’s just a movie.
It’s just a TV show.
It’s just a cartoon character.
It’s just a piece of cloth.
It’s just a flag.
It’s just a dog at a protest.
It’s just a religion.
It’s just a holiday.
It's just the police.
It's just the military
It's just your freedoms....gone forever.

And "It's just the way they planned it.

Thought For The Day.

My family, esp. my hubby.

Up In Smoke.

Inhale deeply.....

Take a toke....

Hold  the smoke....

and blow your f*ckin' mind!

Inhale the good shit and exhale the bad shit.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wordless Wednesday.

Today's Thought.

29 July.

July 29. It's sort of like an "Anniversary" for me, a special day as it was on 29 July 1979 that I got my first dog. I was 12 1/2 and I got a 6 month old Beagle from the shelter. I still lived in the apartment at the time which didn't allow dogs but what did we care; we were moving into our house the next month anyway so when my mother got an angry letter from the landlord saying they were going to evict us we just laughed. So what, who cares, and good riddance! F*ck them! After waiting 12 years I finally had my dog I had always wanted after a long wait and nothing and no one was going to stop me and I can still remember those early days how happy and proud I felt walking her but it turned out she was very destructive and became aggressive and bit me, and hard,too; I still remember it,too, my bestie N and I and the dog were playing upstairs in my room at the house when she bit me in the lower back, leaving 2 holes that looked like a vampire bite, drawing blood and N ran downstairs yelling to my mother that the dog bit me, and I was crying and that was the end of the dog. I think she was jealous that I was spending time with my friend and she felt ignored and whenever we'd go out and leave her home alone she'd destroy everything; and we had to confine her to a room and she trashed everything, even somehow managing to rip electrical cord out of walls without getting electrocuted. After that I got my first Chihuahua Teeniea who ended up being one of 3 fave. dogs ever.

The photo above is also the 100th photo of Buddy; a milestone of sorts and later last night he seemed better and the tail was wagging again and he ate a couple of bites of food but this morning didn't want to go for his usual long walk though, just a quick pee out the front and I was worried he may have been dying yesterday he was so listless and just not "himself" and I cuddled him for pretty much most of the day(other than when he wanted to sleep in his bed) and held him close, petting him, reassurring him I loved him and that if he did have to go it was OK as I don't want him suffering in pain and that he'll always be with me and I'll always remember him and love him always and that I'll look for him and find him and we'll be together again someday and thanked him for being the best dog and best friend I've ever had, and that I love him more than I've ever loved anyone. Being 14 any day could be The Day so I want him to know how much I love him and I want to enjoy each day I still have left with him as one day it will the last and I will lose the best thing I ever had, that ever happened to me. It's hard emotionally for me to keep going thru this; all the worry, stress, anxiety, and fear, and the thought that it won't be too long until the most important one in my life is gone and my life is over.

See this? Baby lotion in a pink bottle? I wrote this on the list as follows for my hubby to pick up for me as I use it on my skin after my bath: Johnson's baby lotion( in PINK bottle).... and what does he come home with?.......

Baby oil with a pink lid!
He shrugs and goes, Oil, lotion, it's all the same thing....
Well, no, doofus, it's NOT, and to make it even more infuriating is this IS the oil I wanted before  and he came back with the aloe one! How hard is it to read items clearly described on a list and follow it and get the right thing? I mean, he's always going on how smart he is and even says he has a MENSA IQ but you'd never know it! He can be pretty stupid for someone who's so smart, so now on I'm going to have to take a photo like I did here and send it with him to make sure he gets the right thing! I mean, really? Duh!

I also put this joke up on my hippo-lovers group on Facebook  adding Now they are Happy, Happy Hippos....but most people didn't even get it and didn't know what it was (it's nugs of weed)  some thought it was dog food and another said to put chocolate on it(HA!) and I don't normally install updates on my computer or iPod as they take too long and disrupt what I'm doing and often change stuff so I can't find my stuff and it confuses and frustrates me ( and I'm notorious for not having any patience and the one thing I don't like to do is have to wait) but the odd time I will if I'm forced to and yesterday was one of the times I did with the iPod but it was taking too long and I needed my music on-the-go so half-way into the update I undid it and took it off, thinking it would just stop the update and nothing more.....
It didn't.
It deleted all of my songs. All 2000 or so of them, and I had to restore them.
All of them.
Of course I don't know a thing about any of that tech stuff and I freaked! I was in a frantic panic! I just lost all my music, that took so long to get! I was freaking out, so my hubby, the 13 and 17 YR old all tried to help me but it wouldn't accept either my Apple ID or password so I had to change passwords which I had to end up doing twice because it still didn't work and I was having a major meltdown but eventually the 17 YR old got it all figured out and they were restored as I had a back-up saved on iTunes on my computers she was able to get copied over somehow some 5 HRS later even though the process itself  to copy only took less than 30 minutes....oh, thank God! I was just sooooo relieved! I'm just so dumb and have the worst luck ever! I hate myself and my life. After that my nerves were rattled, between that and the stress of Buddy so I hit the bong( plus I also had a splitting headache) and I saw magical iridescent glittery sparkling fairy dust raining down from the sky and it was just so beautiful and just the thing I needed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Daily Musing.

A Loving Farewell.

I saw this on an online forum the other day written by a woman whose beloved dog had died and it was so loving and touching and sounded exactly like if it had been Buddy and I. 
I cried.

Yesterday I also accidently stepped on Buddy's tail, hidden underneath a blanket and I FELT LIKE THE BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT IN THE WORLD. My poor Boy's not doing so well today: all day he's just laying around sleeping, listless and floppy and he's not even wagging his tail and normally that thing is going a mile a minute; it's like a propellor or a wind-up toy. It's like he's just "fading" and it's so sad to see and it really worries me...

Monday, July 27, 2020

If You've Got It, Smoke It!!

Today's Chuckle.

My Biggest Secret.

Want to know one of my biggest secrets?(and I am a girl of many secrets) One that no one knows about, not even my family( and they still won't know either since they don't even know about this blog and won't be reading it)?
I've tried cocaine.
No one knows about it because it's so out-of-character for me and I can't even believe it myself  and I'm not going to get into the details here of the where, how,and when, but back in the 1980's during my teen and early adult years cocaine was all the rage and I always had this curiousity about it and among the wealthy and elite crowd it was rampant, and passed around in social circles like candy, and in fact, was even referred to as Nose Candy ( or Booger Sugar, White Lady, etc.) and it was one of those things that had always been on my Bucket List to try once and I came across an opportunity to try it and I'll try anything once and my curiousity got the better of me and so I snorted a line up each nostril......and......

I didn't like it.

It didn't do anything for me other than burn my nose and all down the back of my throat and leave a strong, horrible bitter after-taste all in my mouth and back of my throat( as ENT is all connected back there) lingering for hours and made me sneeze like crazy and gave me red eyes but it oddly didn't change my mental status, or alter my consciousness, make me "high" or anything; it just kept me awake all night but I never got "buzzed" or high or anything; I never noticed a thing or any difference but I do seem to have a high tolerance for drugs though and I rarely get high even with my medical marijuana; maybe 1 time out of 10 do I get high; I think it's due to either my Asperger's or bipolar; that I must have low levels of seratonin and/or dopamine and my brain is "wired" differently and just doesn't respond or react to drugs like most people's do and it just doesn't affect me the same. Something good though; I normally have a constantly blocked stuffy nose due to bad allergies, narrow nasal passages and other deviations but after the coke it cleared my nose right out and it was clear for 2 days! It's not something I'd ever try again though as it was disappointing and I didn't see what the big deal was and why people like it so much( the same for alcohol) but at least I tried it. Maybe they can re-brand and re-market coke for nasal blockage? HA!

I also got banned on a Facebook  group again, this time for violating their rules against political posts for posting this(shown above) as they thought it alluded to the protests in Portland( which I totally support  BTW and think it's ironic and hypocritical Trump criticized China's handling of similar protests in Hong Kong and now he's  using the same jack-booted heavy-handed tactics himself!) when *I* just meant it to be about my own kids being unruly but they took it the wrong way and attacked me and now I feel really bad. This happens alot; people take things the wrong way; not the way I intended it at all (it's an Asperger's thing) and turn on me and hate on me and then it feels like the bullying in school all over again and most times I have no idea why.  I also needed my hubby to help get the wifi back on my iPod  yesterday so I could go outside and hear my show on the radio  but he was too busy watching TV and couldn't even take the time to pause it for a few seconds(literally; that's all it would take for him) and when I gave it to him he angrily threw it across the room, screaming at me so then I turned off the TV on him giving it right back to him and told him, it works BOTH ways! You're not the only one that can be an asshole!  can be an asshole too! He also took my advice( for once!) and got the spray thingy for the paint to paint the veranda railing faster( and now did 25 of them in one day as opposed to 7 in a day like before by hand) and it worked,too, other than the fact that now his formerly- black shoes are now white! HA! I'm glad I told him to move the car out of the driveway though otherwise we'd also have a white car,too!

The 17 YR old is also always so mean to my poor Buddy too and always calls him ugly and showed people at work his photo and now has got all of them saying he's "ugly" too even though he's not; he's just old; old and grey and raggedy, like one of those old, raggedy stuffed toys with the missing eyes, bare spots, flat parts, squished, etc. well-loved and well-aged, etc. but that you love and are beautiful and cherished(and there's nothing I love more than snuggling and cuddling up with him and inhaling his sweet scent and burrowing my face into his soft warm fur) and one day she too will also be old and grey and raggedy,too!  My abdomen and back pain are also sooo bad yesterday and today too that yesterday I  felt like I was going to puke from the pain and I just curled up on the couch with my knees to my chest trying to relieve the pain and the weed just took the "edge" off so you know the pain is really bad and I tried to sleep and drifted off into what I'm pretty sure is unconsciousness and would wake up every now and then disoriented(I also had a 4-5 HR nap) and the day before I had a headache soooo bad it was off the charts and I thought my head was going to explode. It's also been soo hot lately most of July has been in the 30 C + range feeling like in the 40 C + but it's not "Global Warming" as the Enviro-freaks like to claim though as I can remember back in the 80's in both Toronto and Ottawa having long hot summers like this too so it must just be the cycles of the Earth go thru?

I saw as well a gross advice from the BC Board of health about "safe" sex during the so-called "pandemic" and they said wear masks and no face-to-face and they suggest to basically f*ck like animals, the most unromantic, unaffectionate, unintimate, unloving ways ever; just merely lustful and functional, just pure raw sex instead of actually making love; they said to do it Doggy-style  and using Glory-holes! Ick! Can you imagine? That's just gross and the most un-romantic thing I can think of! I also heard on the news near Toronto the cops raided this party that had 200 people(and fined them over 800$ for breaking violating the gathering of over 10 people) and I don't even know 200 people! Everybody and his brother must have been there and that must have been some epic party, but at least they'll have a good story to tell their kids and grandkids later, like the party we had back in the late 80's to bid our troublesome loser neighbours a "fond" farewell.....HA, I still smile when I think about it and every time I hear the Beastie Boys ' song Fight For Your Right To Party   I always think about it and smile. It was the stuff of legends.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Daily Larf.


Weekend Words.

I've been practicing for this my whole life!

Let your Freak Flag fly!

I'd be thrilled with it either way.

Oh, please, for the love of God, NOOOOOO!!!!

My Buddy-Boy.

Thought For The Day.