Saturday, September 12, 2020

Blue Eyes White Dragon.

The other day my hubby was cleaning up the yard, incl. what used to be the kids' sandbox when they were little.(I can still remember every spring getting 12 biiig 20 kg bags of sand to fill it and how excited the kids always were) but hasn't been used in years( just like the swingset and trampoline) now sadly neglected and over-grown with foliage, and he threw most of the stuff out, now all rotten ,and I remembered about Blue Eyes White Dragon. it used to be the now almost 26 year old's most fave. toy of all and esp. his fave. sandbox toy when he was little and I can even still remember looking everywhere all over Ottawa, in every store, to find it. How much he loved that thing, and even when one wing eventually broke off he still loved it and played with it and then over time he grew up and got older and it was left behind in the sandbox but I figured for the memories he wouldn't want it thrown out so I rummaged thru all the old toys and junk my hubby had to toss out to make sure it wasn't there with the intention to rescue it if so for nostalgic purposes( I was going to clean it all off and give it back to the 25 YR old to keep) but it wasn't there. He still remembers it too as when I asked him he goes, Yeah! From Yu-Gi-Oh! My hubby also hires a guy with a truck to come haul off our garbage and he now charges 150$ ( up from 100$) which I think it outrageous; just to get rid of garbage( why not just dump it some place for free?) and I bet he just dumps it in his neighbour's yard or in the river or something and just keeps the $$$$! he used to do it himself before when we had the van as he has a trailer but now we have the smaller car it isn't strong enough to pull the trailer.

I also heard on the news there's this old tree in Toronto that's 250 years old and it's over 75 feet tall and 75 feet wide and my first thought it( after having to pay 1200$ to get our big mulberry tree cut down) was Holy shit! I hate to think how much it would cost to have that cut down!! and the other day a plane was flying over our house really low, so low it shook our entire house and the lights shone thru our window and it was just above our roof and for a few scary moments there I was convinced it was going to crash into our house and if so what would have been my last thought that ran thru my head was, F*ck! Not another home insurance claim again fearing what the increased premiums would be, but we decided to not even have the fence repaired afterall and just leave it, and the second-oldest and the 19 YR old ( who both live in Vancouver) found a place and moved in together whereas before they each had their own place but this is nice as they can not only split rent but are company for eachother and growing up together and living in the same house for all those years they already know eachother's living habits anyway. They each have their own room and the second-oldest really likes they have a pool and the 19 YR old loves the walk-in closet. The 19 YR old also got that job at the fashion place she applied for, only part-time as she still has school.

Just for a laugh I also added dingleberries  on the grocery list where my mother had put strawberries, blueberries, raspberries just to see if she would notice, and she did and scribbled it out, afraid my not-so-smart-at-shopping hubby wouldn't know what it was and go around asking people where the "dingleberries" were....(HA!) I would love to see hubby also doesn't have the same sympathy towards the shitty way the Native people are being screwed-over and mistreated and live in Third World conditions like I do either; he shrugs it off as It was a war and they lost except it wasn't a "war"; it was an invasion and they were here first, and my mother finally cleaned up her mess in the corner of the kitchen floor under the table( she's a hoarder and pack-rat and never throws anything away and even still has bills etc. from 30-40 years ago from when we lived in L.A and Toronto!) and there was an decayed mouse nest there.....with disintigrated dead mice that turned to dust and it reeked soooo was so revolting  the smell just made you gag and retch....she still runs people(namely Buddy and I) over with her walker too, saying it's up to us  to get out of the way(and she yells at Buddy for being too slow even thoug he's old,too; 14 1/2 and doesn't move too fast, just like her) instead of herself to watch where she's going and look; she doesn't think it's up to her  at all; that she doesn't have any responsibility and whenever I say anything she bemoans, I know, I'm a burden, but I won't be here forever....She is right about being a burden though(and she's always in the bathroom whenever someone else needs to use it,too), but I'll probably die before she does and she'll probably out-live us all.

It was soooo cold this morning too when I took Buddy out for his walk 5 C I had to wear my heavy Rasta hoodie, trackpants and socks; normally I just go out there in a short-sleeve T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, but it's supposed to get up to 21 C later today and I can get some sun, and I heard on the news as well Ontario is building detention camps for people with Coronavirus, to keep them isolated and in quarantine to keep them away from family, like a jail, a Concentration camp, like a modern-day Leper colony, and it's just soooo Fascist, so Police State, so chilling, so New World Order; it's downright go in but you never come out, never to be seen again....


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