Thursday, September 3, 2020

Media Indoctrination.

Awhile ago the 25 YR old said how the news and the media in general is nothing more than brainwashing, propaganda,and indoctrination, and he's right. I can think back and remember to when I was growing up and still a little kid, hearing on the news and such about USA, how it was always portrayed as our glorious ally, our friendly strong mighty neighbour and defender, something to look up to, admire and aspire to be like, something to be in awe of, our glorious "saviour" almost, our older brother, but then as I got older, educated myself (because the school system was just as bad as the media and also indoctrinated and hid the actual truth) and became more aware of the real world and how things actually were and how they worked in real life once I become Woke  around age 12 or 13 I began to see for myself the actual truth for real and my eyes were opened for the first time and I was able to clearly see thru all the lies, all the propaganda, and I was shocked, horrified, and angered to see everything I had been taught was all a lie.

USA, was, and is, in fact, NOT anything  like I had been told, advertised, brought up to believe, or thought. It was all just propaganda and indoctrination. In actual fact they were and are, the complete opposite: they are Imperialsit, Capitalist war-mongers that are arrogant with an attitude of superiority and think they're the world's policeman and dictate their will and foreign policy to other nations and punish and invade and embargo them with impunity if they don't comply, and they are also hateful, violent, racist and divisive within their own country, where white supremacy, neo-Nazism and Fascism runs rampant and even encouraged and glorified(esp. under Trump) and the gun culture is insane;  certainly not anything to admiore, look up to, or aspire to be,and nothing like what the media portrayed as I was growing up and it serves as a reminder to NOT blindly believe everything you read, see, or hear in the media but to always think for yourself. Does it make sense? Does this sound right? it's the same thing now with the Coronavirus and the panic  and fear the media is spreading.

Don't just blindly accept what they're trying to sell you. I remember as I got more educated and clued in as an older kid my hero ended up being the husband of one of my mother's friends at work who was what they called a Draft-Dodger, who refused to fight and kill in the Vietnam War and left the USA to emigrate here rather than fight an unjust war. Another example of indoctrination is in schools: how they conveniently cover up the real  truth about the first PM MacDonald and how racist and horrible he really  was; about his true character, history, and past; they omitted his real  story, making him out to be some sort of folk hero, brainwashing young minds to revere , respect,and honour someone (on false premise) who doesn't deserve to be  honoured , by not telling them the entire story and leaving out part of the truth. This is one reason we homeschool our own kids, to spare them from such false  State indoctrination( as well as from bullying like I endured, and for safety,religious and other reasons) and to teach them to always think for themselves.

As well, we have a third guy coming over today to estimate cutting down our rotting tree, and I smelled truck exhaust and it reminded me of Moscow, bringing back happy memories, and I really miss the city and city living too and the only thing I like about the country is the smell of wildflowers( esp. after it rains; it reminds me of the cottage as a kid) and the sound of crickets and cicadas. School started in this area today too even though it normally goes back the day after Labour Day but they had 6 months off due to the "pandemic" (every kid's dream to get 6 months off school!!) and everyone's in a panic they'll get Coronavirus; all brainwashed by the media, fearful of everyone and everything now and parenting has enough anxiety and worry as it is; you shouldn't have to worry about your kids getting Coronavirus at school,too, and yet once again I'm soooo glad we homeschool( we'll be starting next week like usual; 2 students left this year) as we never have to worry about any of this shit.

Today is also day 6 for my pain and it's still no better and the part under my rib at the back feels like I was kicked by a horse and the abdomen is a combination of crampy, feeling like you take all my skin and stretch it out as far as it can go, feeling like it got kicked, like a balloon is in there that keeps filling up with air and getting bigger, like there's something alive in there bursting to come out, and also a gnawing, nagging, raw, dragging pain, and my back is just a white-hot pain. Could it be an abdomenal aortic aneurysm perhaps or just my divurticulitis or stomach ulcer really acting-up?Whatever it is causing the pain has been here for almost a week so I guess it's nothing that's going to kill me. Yesterday my hubby also did it again,too: brought home dinner for everyone except me by getting a Pizza Hut  pizza, the kind he knows I hate with the gross greasy crust, even though there are many other  kinds of pizza he could have got instead that we all like, such as Pizza Pizza, Piza Nova, Boston Pizza, Toppers, 241, the local pizzeria, etc. so I'd have something to eat,too, or else he could have stopped off and picked me up a Big Mac, poutine,donair, or onion rings or a cheeseburger at Harvey's or something he knows I like, but he's NOT thoughtful and considerate like that.....and then he blamed it on me saying I'M "picky" even though that's the only pizza I don't like. Sometimes I think he actually does it on purpose just to be an asshole.


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