Saturday, October 10, 2020

Ich Liebe Mein Teckel.

This is my best friend and I snuggling outside the other day in the cool fall weather under a blanket. I love days like this, just hanging out cuddling with My Boy. It's the best therapy ever. No one has ever loved me like he does and I'm grateful for it. He has taught me how to love.There's nothing like it. I've never had a dog like him before or a friend like him before. He's that once-in-a-lifetime one that only comes along once. This morning he also sneezed blood all over my bedsheets so I had to take them off and put them in the laundry to wash them but they were due for a wash anyway and this morning it was a nice 15 C out but yesterday morning for our walk it was a literal freezing 0 C out but then in the afternoon it went up to 15 C and sunny and humidex of 93% and it was warm and I was out there suntanning! October is weird. This morning when we went for our early walk Buddy also did a turd that basically just shot out; it was so funny it just came flying out  and landed in the grass and the best way to describe it would be launched; it reminded me of a torpedo, and along the way I saw a little girl's jacket( around size 5-6) that was all twisted and crumpled and laying on the sidewalk abandoned and I got a chill down my spine seeing it fearing what if the kid it belongs to got snatched off  the street and abducted and in the struggle the jacket was left behind? That thought really freaked me out. What a scary, horrible possibility, but why else would she just leave her jacket in the middle of the sidewalk in such a hasty crumpled way like that? I hate to think....

The other day the 13 YR old tried to kick Buddy when he was sleeping  in his dog bed which I saw with my own eyes so of course I told him off and my hubby had the nerve to yell at me  for yelling at him and went on how it's always about the dog, etc. even though he tried to kick him which is abuse and is unacceptable but does he care? No, and he just yells at me for trying to discipline the 13 YR old who is the problem and then when it woke Buddy up and he started barking at him in defence he yelled at him to shut up,too! My family really are "something", aren't they? It really is just Buddy and I against the world, just the two of us. He defends me and I defend him. We just have eachother.

The 17 YR old also (who works part-time at a grocey store) said they caught some pervert in the bathroom having sex with a frozen turkey! WTF? Can you believe it? No joke! Up until now I thought I'd seen and heard everything but I guess I hadn't. Until now. Now I've seen and heard everything. What's the point though? it's frozen and cold; wouldn't it freeze his dick off, plus the hole is huge; a big cavern, sort of like my vag after birthing 11 kids, not a tight fit....hardly what you'd call "sensual"... Plus, I also heard there's a thing as a 2-headed dildo! So now here I am trying to imagine what it's for and how you'd actually use it, why it would need 2 heads....I obviously know what a dildo is for and where it goes....but a 2 headed one? There will always be some things that just blow my mind...We also have homemade brownies and the kids all asked if they're pot brownies, and no, they're NOT; you can  just make regular brownies without pot in them, and besides that stuff's expensive, and I wouldn't give it to them anyway, and last night the 23 YR old and her BF arrived and I greeted them with a Hi! but they just rudely ignored me and walked past me(I'm pretty sure he gave me a Look too unless I just imagined it but I can only imagine all the horrible made-up stuff she probably told him about me to get him to hate me like she does) but there's nothing I can do; at least I was polite and you can't "make" other people be nice and it says more about them than it does about me. Today the 21 YR old and her BF are coming over for Thanksgiving,too.

I heard on the news as well Toronto is now back into lockdown again ( bars, restaurants, cinemas, etc.) closed with a so-called Second Wave of the Corona virus, having over 900 cases yesterday alone( but only 5 deaths, hardly an epidemic, it's not like it was the other way around with over 900 deaths in a day it appeared and then clarified oh, no, that's over the past 2 week period not all in just one day...deceptive and fear-mongering as always... and out of a population of over 2 1/2 million people it's still not really that bad) and the 25 YR old asked me about not going to church in awhile if I've "given up" on Jesus and am going to be Muslim or something now and I've never "given up" on Jesus; for one thing I still believe in Him(I never stopped) and respect Him and think He was sent from God; I'm just not sure in which way; His Son or His prophet, and I'm unsure about religion, whether organized man-made religion, public or private or if I just do my own way of spirituality and I already say a combination of prayers as it is so this way I have it all covered. I will end with kind words a Facebook  friend left me that touched my heart:

You must start Like and Love Yourself... Your Life Style its so cool.. Love your Home the way it is.. Love your Dog.. Your pool.. Your winter and summer.. LOVE Jamaica and Sunflowers as much as you can!!! Start to Love more and more the story behind hippos.. YOU have so much to give and receive from what you build around.. Love the fact Humans are unique and equals.. Love the fact you gave birth to so many different human beings and they are out there living their LIFE. Be happy, glad and thankful for being who you are. Life isn't easy for no one. I ❤ YOU as I ❤ cannabis ... a bit of it everyday


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