Sunday, October 25, 2020

My Namesa Borat.

Yesterday  I watched the new Borat movie. Actually it was my hubby  that found it; we have it on our Prime video( the same one as Amazon Prime; apparantly it comes with the delivery service. Who knew? certainly not me, and while most of the movie selection on there sucks, mostly old movies or ones no one's ever even heard of, this one I like) and he thought I'd like it since I liked the original and I did. He even ended up watching it too and laughing his ass off, which is pretty funny considering he "prides" himself on always saying how he's not rude and never swears  and doesn't like the F-Word  and even looks down on those of us that do, and yet there he was laughing at and enjoying the crass vulgar humour of Borat.  I, of course, laughed so hard that I got a headache, esp at the scene where he dressed as a KKK member to blend in at a Trump rally and the fertility dance at the debutante ball; it was all just so inappropriate and funny and it makes me wonder if he has Asperger's or something...It's also so hilarious how actual real people think it's real and don't realize it's for a movie and to see their shocked stunned reactions as he does and says the most outrageous things,  and with my knowledge and study of languages I could pick up his so-called "Kazakh" language(it is a real language but he wasn't speaking it and Kazakhstan used to be a former Soviet republic and is now an independent state) actually sounded like a mishmash of Hebrew with some Polish thrown in there and the writing in the background( the maps, for example) was Russian, and I'm 100% sure on this since I know Russian!) It was hilarious and the perfect way to spend a cold rainy dreary Saturday afternoon just laughing my ass off, laughing until I cried and I haven't seen a movie in months..

The 19 YR old is also coming up from BC over Chritsmas to visit us for 10 days (thank God for Air Miles!) and the 17 YR old must be sooo excited; those 2 are so close; they're BFF's and like twins and seeing her will be her best Christmas present this year, and I finally cleared out my log-jam thanks to the laxative but the baaad abdomenal pain still remains and I'm so used to chronic daily pain I forget what it feels like to NOT be in constant pain every day ; it's just become my new daily norm, until I smoke weed and the pain just lifts off and then I remember what being pain-free feels like and what it's supposed to be like and what it's actually like for most people. I also think my mother's "losing" is as twice she called burritos " Doritos" and when referring to the 21 YR old she called her by my name, and when she was telling me about the burritos( and how she got something like 4 of them for a dollar) she kept saying Doritos then kept saying how it would make a good lunch or snack but it didn't make any sense and I kept asking her to clarify and then she got mad at me and all flustered and frustrated and said I always keep making things harder for her because I had no idea what she was talking about  and needed her to explain even though she was the one who kept using the wrong word and it didn't make any sense!

Yesterday Buddy also told me he had to go out to go to the bathroom only I didn't believe him as he'd just gone out less than an hour before( he usually goes out every 3-4 hours) so I figured he was good and just wanted to get out for a Booty Call so I told him he didn't and just ignored him, so then the smart dog went into the bathroom and just stood there and looked up at me like, Well? How about it, Lady? so I finally got the hint and took him out and sure enough he did this big squishy stinky shit. Is he smart, or what? I also realized all this time I was praying to God for love He did send it; not romantic love but pure, selfless, unconditional love: in Buddy; the greatest love I've ever had and the closest I've ever been to anyone. Who says that the love of your life has to be a human?


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