Tuesday, October 13, 2020


The 17 YR old just got this amazing cool hoodie that's also like a nice warm snug cozy blanket all combined into one called an Oodie, shown in the photo above, although she got a pink one with Corgis( her fave. dog breed) and the one shown here is my fave of all the ones offered and I decided to get for my Christmas gift from my hubby( I choose my gift and just give him the bill as he never knows what to get for my gifts and our first Christmas he gave me a spice rack- no joke- which was not  appreciated, and my mother got a frying pan for her first Christmas from my father,too....what is  it with guys anyway that they think women actually like and want kitchen appliances  as gifts? Just because they like power tools and such as presents doesn't mean that we like kitchen aids as gifts! For us that's just something you buy because you need it but NOT as a gift!) I would have got a hippo one if they had one but they didn't but this one is purple( my fave. colour) and the bunny pattern is cute so I chose this one. I think it's the best thing ever for our long cold winters esp. since I'm always so cold even in the house and I always have to burrow under several layers of blankets on the couch for example. The 17 YR old doesn't want me to get one as it's just her 'thing" but too bad; it's there for everyone, meant to be sold and it's not a one-item-per-household thing, so she can suck it and it's not like it's the same pattern. Normally it was 99$ but because I let them subscribe me to their e-mail mailing list I got 25$ off so it was 74$ but I'm not paying anyway....it's nice and long(past your knees) and big and bulky just like I love,too and soooo soft and warm.....I can see it being one of my fave. articles of clothing.....

My mother's blood-sugar was also a whopping 22 ( it should be 10 or under) so over twice what it should be yet she still continues to eat all the sweet sugary crap her doctor bans and yesterday for Thanksgiving I put cranberry juice in my bong instead of water and it gave it a nice sweet fruity flavour and it made the smoke smell less "skunky" too and I am thankful for weed, and walking Buddy I found a turkey leg bone on the sidewalk which he was sniffing at which is what alerted me so I picked it up and tossed it on the road curb as it might have been bait to poison dogs as there had been an issue with that in our area before and our former neighbour Donna moved due to it; her next-door neighbour had been tossing rat-poison laced meat over the fence to poison her dogs which got really sick and one almost died and it cost 8 K in vet care, but my hubby laughed at me and said I'm paranoid and conspiricy theory but I learned if something is out of place it's usually suspicious and then he cracked Maybe it was the grey cat(the one that bit a chunk out of Buddy's tail before)that did it?  Ha, ha, very "funny" but either way I'm not taking any chances.

My sunflowers have also opened now and it's a nice reminder of summer,too, esp. now it really does look and feel like fall; all cool, dull, rainy and leaves on the ground, and it cheers me up somewhat, and my mother's been pushing me to fill out the kids' passport applications as their old ones expired 6 months ago and I keep putting it off as I absolutely hate filling out forms esp. gov't forms as it's just soooo tedious and I usually end up making a mistake of some sort too filling something out wrong or in the wrong spot and they have to send it back and it's such a pain in the ass so I told her I'll do it one day it's raining and I'm stuck inside and I know it's one of those things that has to get done, that I have to get around to doing sometime but it's just so uggggghhhhhh and the 17 YR old was saying how she's a strong independent woman and she doesn't need help from any guy and mentioned how the guys at the grocery store she works part-time at are always asking her if she needs them to help her open the "big jars"(No! I'm fine! I can do it myself!) and then the 25 YR old asked her what does she do about the big heavy kilos of fruit and then she goes, Oh, I just get the boys in produce to lift those for me" HA! A part-time feminist I guess!

A Facebook friend( who is in her early 60's) is also having a total hip replacement surgery this week(ouch!)  and my friend J( in Ottawa) calls masks face diapers  and I love it and think it's the most hilarious and appropriate thing ever and it covers all the shit, and I'm pretty sure I have another cold now as well: I'm all congested, runny nose, achy ears, headache, and I'm really tired, even more than usual and I pretty much just slept most of the day yesterday, and my mother was whining how she's the least important ( in the family) and I told her Are you kidding? That's me!! Everyone jumps to serve her and does everything for her, brings her drinks, cleans up after her gets her whatever she wants, waits on her hand and foot, even scratches her back ( what next? wipe her ass for her,too?) etc. and she has her own personal slave  in the 13 YR old ( she calls "helping") I'm the one no one gives a shit about and no one ever helps  and whenever I ask for help they tell me I'm lazy  and to do it/get it myself and my needs/ thoughts/opinions/voice/concerns. etc. don't matter or count. She's treated like the Queen and I'm like the lowly serf.


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