Sunday, October 11, 2020

Our Thanksgiving.

Here's a view of the changing autumn colours on the trees from my backyard. The photo doesn't do it justic though; it's much clearer and vivid in real life. Yesterday we had our family Thanksgiving dinner as today the 23 YR old's BF has to get back home as he has to work tomorrow( he's a PhD engineer of some sort). We were originally going to have 2 sittings; one in the afternoon and one later at 8pm( like rich people!) because the 17 and 25 YR olds worked late but everyone was hungry and ate early leaving them to eat late, but then they all decided to go to the nice Italian place after they finished work and I was already up in bed by the time they were done so I don't even know if those 2 even ever had the big dinner yet or if they'll just end up having leftovers today. We had 6 various kinds of turkey, ranging from an entire stuffed turkey to turkey breasts to stuffed turkey breasts plus 2 hams, and mashed potatoes, little mini herbed baby potatoes, peas and corn, buns and pumpkin pies from the bakery. I think that covers everything. We had the 21 YR old help with the cooking but it ended up a bad idea as she ruined the gravy and it all overflowed onto the stove element and never thickened up and stayed all runny and watery and the herb potatoes somehow never tasted of herbs but just plain. Cooking never was her strong suit( she's a writer and an artist) although she does make a mean chili.

So we also finally  got to meet the 21 YR old's new BF and I had been wondering if he looked like her previous one because you know, people tend to have a "type" (mine is tall, dark and handsome Middle Eastern guys although look what I ended up with. HA!) but they don't look anything alike and, in fact, he's half Chinese!(My biggest worry was that the 25 YR old would make Ching-Chong  jokes before he left for work but luckily he was good) He's a data scientist and they knew eachother from before because as it turns out they used to be room-mates ....and now  I find out(I'm always the last to know anything!!) they're living together once again.....only in a different way...hmmmfff hmmmfff... they share ONE BEDROOM  if you get my drift... He didn't seem as "friendly" as the last guy but maybe he was just shy. My hubby also played chess with him showing off and even in front of company he still put me down too and directed insults my way( although a bit more subtle than usual they were still there) but at least he didn't turn off my Reggae I had playing, he had the decency to know that if he did that in front of company then they'd know  what an asshole and terrible husband he really is.

This is our dining room table all set up with the fancy china plates and the autumn tablescloth....and my hubby's stupid childish  jeuvenile Spider-Man  centre pieces that ruin the entire thing and that I hate, that makes it look like a child's birthday party and is sooo tacky, I swear he's a big Man Child, and I was shocked the way both the girls were dressed,too: the 21 YR old practically wore booty shorts; so short her ass cheeks were partly hanging out and the insides of her pockets were hanging down outside her shorts, and when your pockets insides can be seen hanging down from the outside you know your shorts are too short and I told her so(because afterall, I am  her mother) and she replied that she basically has a nice ass and works out and she thinks it's "sexy" and I told her it's NOT 'sexy"; it's slutty and even if she does have a nice ass it still doesn't mean she has to go and show it off to the whole world, and the 23 YR old had on black lipstick, a black leather and spike dog collar choker and skin-tight black leather pants that tightly hugged her big ass....and it saddens and disappoints me both and I don't like or approve of who they've become as adults, and I don't like my daughters dressing  immodestly or Goth and looking like whores or Halloween decorations; it's soooo just NOT a good look but they're adults now and nothing I can do about it but it doesn't mean I have to like it. The 23 YR had the sides of her head shaved too to which I asked, Are the sides of your head shaved? as I wasn't sure if they were shaved or just slicked back and gelled and she said it was and I replied, Cool!  If I like something I'll say so but if I don't I'm also going to say it,too. her and her BF also went back to their motel and took a 2 HR "nap" yesterday,too....."nap".....yeah, right..... I bet..... ha, ha.....


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