Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pedo Priests.

There's a special on the nightly TV news all this week about pedophile predator priests in the Catholic Church and to be fair though it is only a small percentage of priests, some 1-2 % and there are still some really good, great dedicated faithful ones out there( and I have personally met some) it is still a wide-spread pervasive problem that has spanned decades and generations and is a plague on the Church and it's bad enough that the problem exists but what makes it even worse is the Chruch covers it up, sweeping it under the rug so to speak, paying off victims to silence them, simply relocating priests from one parish to another instead of defrocking them ,disciplining them and calling the police and having them criminally charged like they should and ensuring the victims receive the proper counselling. It's like a cancer has swept thru the Church infecting some priests, reminding me of where it said in the Bible about how 1/3 of the stars will fall from Heaven, referring to the demons falling from grace that were once angels, and the thought and insight came into my head that the Church has been infiltrated by Satan and is NOT the same Church originally founded by Peter; it has been distorted, changed, warped, developed it's own ideas( an example would be Mary's eternal virginity, for example when the Bible clearly says that Jesus had brothers and sisters, and praying to Jesus, Mary and the Saints, etc. when the Bible clearly says to pray to God alone and anything else is idol worship, etc.) and turned away from God, and the pedophile priest scandal is one extreme example of this. Could the Pope also perhaps be the False Prophet mentioned in the Bible to beware of,too?

Why do you think I never let my own kids be altar servers? In both the Churches we attended in Ottawa and here we were asked for our kids to be altar servers, seeing that we were a very devout family and faithfully attended Mass weekly but the pedo priest thing was always there, in the back of my mind, and having been a survivor of childhood sexual abuse myself(although not by a priest but by a relative, I still know it's possible and the damage it causes) I never quite felt "safe" leaving my kids alone unsupervised in that position so I always politely declined, using the excuse that they were 'too busy" with school when really I didn't want to risk the chance them possibly being alone with a priest that could possibly be a pedophile. I know it's an awful thing to think but as a parent( and esp,. as a sexual abuse survivor) you have to be really careful and vigilant and protective of your kids, and I've always wondered as well if my hubby may have been abused by a priest possibly as a kid too as he's always had this "thing" against the Church and calls the priests pedophiles and always makes snide remarks about them and has DID( used to be referred to asMPD) which is usually caused by childhood trauma, generally sexual abuse so I had always wondered if it happened to him.... in any case, it's certainly NOT from God. and then there's also the question of the Vatican's extreme wealth, money laundering, ties to the Mafia, etc. and despite their massive wealth what do they ever do to really help the poor and needy, esp. when Jesus preached about helping  the poor, the widow, and the orphan? The whole thing just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

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