Sunday, October 18, 2020


Look at this! This has got to be the most amazing fruit ever( along with mangoes and coconuts)  plumcots! It's a hybrid of plums and apricots, both of which I absolutely love and the inside/centre is like an apricot and the outside is like a plum! They're sooo good I ate 3 of them at once and ended up with diarrhrea! HA! Now I know what fruit in Heaven must be like and what the Forbidden Fruit Adam and Eve got banished for eating and I can see why they were tempted to eat it; it's just sooo good! Normally I'm not a "fan" of genetically modified foods but I have to say these are just beyond delicious! They look like MacIntosh apples on the outside but they are soft, fleshy and juicy when you bite into them, just pure bliss!! My mother also had a craving for Chinese food( even though it's sooo high in sodium and with her high BP not a good idea but as always she blew it off) and she had it in her head to order a whole bunch of it and they were so busy( it's good to see local businesses doing well though esp. during the so-called "pandemic" which hit businesses hard) we had to wait 2 HRS and she had already pre-decided who was getting what and I said to her to just let everyone decide on their own what they wanted instead and then after all that when she called the order in she forgot her own order and just had to end up mooching a bit off everyone else's  and she decided that everyone was all going to eat together as a family in the livingroom( as there was no room in the kitchen) but when I went in there and brought my food my hubby yelled at me to get out as he was watching some dumb redneck thing on TV and yelled I would ruin his show.... so I just turned around and went back to the kitchen, so... so much for that.

One of my cousins in Europe also said there due to the Corona virus certain areas are in isolation and lockdown and are restricted but other areas are not, just like it is here and luckily the part where her BFF lives is not, otherwise she'd have to find a way to somehow "sneak" in to visit her, and it sounds an awful lot to me like Martial Law  with lockdowns, isolation, restricions, curfews, show me your ID, no public gatherings, etc. not to be out past dark, etc. the obvious signs of the New World Order but sadly people just don't see it and blindly accept it, and I heard there's this group called QAnon as well that has this theory that the world is run by a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles that engage in child sex-trafficking,too, and I've heard that for years and it's something I've thought so,too, esp. now with the Epstein case blown wide open and with his rich, powerful associates, incl. world leaders,Hollywood elites, and bankers and other powerful elites, incl. Prince Andrew, the Clintons, Bill Gates and others, the difference being that QAnon also  believe that Trump is the "saviour" that will end it whereas I think he's a part of it, esp. considering there have been photos of him seen associating with Epstein....
This guy ( child #5) also has a birthday today: he's 26, just one year younger than I was when he was born. He has steak( his fave.) and ribs for his birthday dinner today and he doesn't like cake( it's hard to believe he's my kid but I can assure you that he is; I was there; and he came into this world face-up and looking like a prize fighter; he had a fat  lip, one eye swollen shut and scratches on his face) and I sent him a photo of a  pricey 130$ steak in his e-mail as a gift,too, the only one I can afford, as well as a crude birthday card I know he'll love. My Little Critter ( what I used to call him when he was little) is all grown up! He got his nick-name as a baby as he was hungry and crying to eat and my mother said to him one time, You're a noisy Little Critter, aren't you?  and the name stuck. He was a funny baby too ; I'd just be holding him on my lap cuddling and he'd lift up my shirt and just help himself to a meal, and he was also the only one of the kids who was able to escape out of the Exersaucer baby thingy and I also called him Houdini.

The 17 YR old hates Buddy for some reason( but she pretty much hates everyone,too) and always says how "ugly" he is and I should "put him down" because he's old and ugly, but she just sees an old ragged dog with white taking over his former red colour fur with old age, a scab on his face, a wart on his back, a chunk out of his tail where the grey cat bit it, a limp in his walk from his arthritic hip, etc. but I don't see (or notice or care about) any of that; I just see my best friend, the one who loves me more than anyone else ever has, the one who brings joy, love, happiness, light, and healing into my life like no one else ever has, the one I love the most. To me he is the most beautiful dog in the world. Every time I look at him I smile and my heart swells with love. He's beautiful and I love him.


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