Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Perfect Day.

Yesterday was a perfect day.
It felt like this.
It was an amazing 16 C and sunny and Buddy and I were sitting outside in the sun enjoying the nice perfect  day. I have been out in the sun in November the Caribbean but not here and it was amazing. It was just perfect. It was warm and sunny, there wa sa slight breeze, the birds were singing and there was that sweet smell in the air, it felt like spring , like April, and it was wonderful. I had been stuck indoors for awhile lately as it had been cold, windy and rainy and I thought that this was it; I was inside hibernating until spring and here it was nice, and it will be up until next Monday, so that's nearly a weekof wonderful spring-like weather; Indian Summer  and we'll be sitting out there as long as we can and soaking it up. It's a gift, and I smoked weed and just floated away. Floated away from my life and my worries, floated away and pretended spring was coming and winter wasn't coming close, floated away and just enjoyed the moment, floated away and temporarily forgot that in 3 more months Buddy turns 15 and time is running out, floated away and escaped my life and my family that always mocks me and ridicules me and puts me down, and that are trying to force me out of my home and into an apartment, floated away and for awhile I wasn't ugly, or stupid, or unhappy, or a failure, or miserably unhappy and unfulfilled in my life.
It was a perfect day and I was able to soarI remembered what it felt like to be happy again.

My family also asked me how many years I thought was in a Milennium  and I told them a million as "mil" in "million" and "milennium" so it makes sense there would be a million right.....and they all looked at me funny and burst out laughing and asked if I was joking and then I knew it must be wrong and I felt really, really dumb. They also have a habit of making me feel really stupid,too, and making fun of my mistakes and using them against me to make me look even dumber and to shame me, making me feel even worse  about myself than I already do,  and often when I tell the 13 YR old to do his school work( as he's preoccupied on his device instead) he'll tantrum and stomp off yelling at me to go kill myself and one of the 17 YR old's chores is to collect garbage in the bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. and it's been at least a month( maybe even longer) since she's done it despite my repeated reminders and they are overflowing, it's like  Jenga, and it's all piling up high and I decided if she didn't do it by a certain day I would just take some and dump it right in front of her bedroom door and maybe then she'd take the hint and empty it, but she did it that day, I think my hubby must have warned her as I told him of my plan, which he liked and was all excited about and said he couldn't wait to watch go down but I'm seriously just tired of all their shit and no one ever backs me up.

Still no final results of the US election yet as they have mail-in ballots too and they still have yet to be counted but it looks like Biden is ahead and poised to win and I HOPE so and with everything Trump has done it boggles my mind that even anyone, one person could ever even vote for him and my hubby had to work all night and he hadn't slept in over 30 hours and during the night Buddy kept making these choking gaaaccking  sounds too like something was stuck in his throat so I massaged his throat and he settled back off to sleep and he seems fine now.

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