Friday, November 13, 2020


Originally I didn't know what I was going to post about today; I had nothing planned, but then as usual something showed up:

Last night the 26 YR old had to go to the ER.
He had a concussion!

He was at jiu-jitsu ( the photo above gives you somewhat of an idea) and a guy threw him and he went flying and landed on the floor on his head and went unconsciousness for a few minutes with no memory of the event and when he came out of it he was 'blind" in his right eye for 45 minutes, or rather as he described it a "kaladescope" (sp) but the fool didn't go to the hospital right away( this was early in the class) as he said he paid for it and it's expenssive so he waited until the end of the 2 HR class and then went and bragged with swagger, and despite  being unconscious, having a concussion, and being blind in one eye I still won the match!  sounding like a typical guy!

So off he finally went, and he had a headache( no wonder!) but none of the other tell-tale warning signs of serious head injury indicating a brain bleed or swelling such as uneven pupils, vomiting, unconsciousness(again) staggering, slurred speech, hard to rouse from sleep, seizures, etc. and every 2 HRS I check him to make sure he's ok for the next 24-48 HRS as sometimes there can be a slow bleed and they kept him there in the ER for observation for a few hours but that was it; no scan at all which surprised me but not that much since they are half-assed here and I'm worried and scared shit-less, as I always am whenever any of the kids are sick or hurt and I just get this cold sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I tremble with fear and feel nauseated and almost on "auto-pilot" and even more with him as ever since he was little I've had this "feeling" that he was going to die young as with all the other kids I've been able to "see" ahead them as adults with careers and families and such but I never could with him and whenever I tried to look ahead all I could see was a blank and it always worried me but hopefully it's nothing and I hope and pray he'll be OK....Now he can't do anything physically or mentally straining ( incl. jiu-jitsu or chess, his 2 fave. things!) for a month as his brain heals.

.and this is exactly why every time he leaves for jiu-jitsu I always tell him Be careful! Don't hurt yourself!! but this time he obviously didn't listen, and when my hubby barged into my bedroom just before 4 am to inform me( that's when he got home) I was startled and scared awake( ( was in a deep sleep at that time and in the middle of a dream) it scared the bejesus out of me thinking someone was breaking into my room at first so I woke up in a panic, and then when I realized it was him I was actually even more afraid because the only time he ever does  that is when there's an emergency and someone's had to go to the hospital and my first thought was that it must have been my mother( because she's old)  and I was worried she must have had a heart attack or something...Needless to say I didn't sleep after that I was so freaked out, and I'm sooo stressed and worried today and I hope and pray he'll be ok as even though he's all grown up now he'll still always be my little boy and I'm still his mother and I'll always love him and worry about him no matter how old he is.


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