Friday, November 20, 2020


Facebook  is so Fascist! The other day I got banned( from both posting and commenting, all I could do was read other posts) for 24 HRS yet again for this( photo shown above) : someone else had posted the picture and I had merely commented, Thomas, you slut!  and they had said that my comment had 'violated their rules of conduct" and was "bullying, threatening and harrassing" in nature! WTF? Seriously? Just for that? Are you kidding me? Really? This is just so beyond ridicously stupid and so I launched a review( an appeal) of the decision and submitted it on principle because it's just such bullshit and so unfair and stupid and to my surprise they agreed and lifted the ban, but only 3 HRS early as by the time they finally got around to it 21 HRS had already passed yet I still feel good that I was vindicated and at least they saw that I didn't purposely bully anyone and that it was just an honest mistake. My hubby thinks that they just flagged the word slut without looking at the entire context of the post. This censorship thing has just gone waaay too far, just like political correctness has. Everyone is just way too offended by everything nowadays and no one is "allowed" to even express their thoughts, beliefs, or opinions anymore, or allowed to make a joke, etc. for fear of being charged with a "hate crime" or being told they're "insensitive" or have offended some special interest group, or are a whatever-phobic, and soon we'll have to worry that the Thought Police  will be after us,too..... Socoeity is just getting more and more totalitarian and Fascist all the time! Another time I was banned for a so-called "hate speech" was when I complimented a guy for being polite and well-mannered to a woman and telling him he's a real gentleman which is admirable when most men are pigs.....and they said that was "hateful".....I know, stupid, huh?

Yesterday was also an amzing 11 C so Buddy and I spent 2 HRS sitting outside( today supposed to go to 15 C, unheard of nearing the end of November,  and we even still have dandilions,too, which is normally just in May and June but this has been a really weird year, )  and I was inspecting the pea-sized lump on his neck even closer and the grey fleshy oval thing hanging from the outside of it on his throat and I was trying to see if I could yank it off and it didn't seem to bother him and it looked like on part it was coming loose so I squeezed the lump with one hand and with the other pinched the fleshy thing and gave it an almighty tug....and it completely came clean off.....and then when I inspected it, it started moving!!! I was shocked to say the least and looked closer and there were moving legs on it!
Holy Mother of God!!
It was a tick!  All this time I had assumed a lump in my old dog's neck was cancer and it was an embedded tick gorging itself on his blood supply! In summer I always checked him for ticks whenever he's been running around in the long grass( since we do live in a rural area) and I have picked ticks off of him before, but now isn't tick season so I haven't been looking lately(and it was hidden in his saggy baggy wrinkly neck folds) but I guess with the milder weather this year they're still around. I did research on ticks and it appears that this one looks more like a Wood tick than a Deer tick, so NOT the ones that spread Lyme disease, but rather Rockey Mountain Spotted Fever but that affects only humans, not dogs, so hopefully he should be ok, and now he has the tell-tale "bull's eye" 'target" rings  mark on his neck where it was attached, and it also made me wonder too if perhaps it could have been something like Lyme disease causing my issues I've had for the past 3 years,too,, my debilitating fatigue and my bad joint pain and bad arthritis and headache,brain "fog", and neck pain? The 21 YR old's ex-BF's mother has Lyme and her symptoms are very similar to mine so it does make me wonder and that might explain why they never found it as they never did blood work specifically looking for it....

I figured as well that between the 17 YR old when she was little and Buddy I had a total of 16 YRS of love in my life ( 10 years with her and 6 years I've had Buddy so far) which I am grateful for but it's also sad too because that's so little over 53 years and I think the main reason my kids hate me so much( as well as blaming me for having Asperger's and bipolar) is for raising them in religion and making them go to church but I'm NOT "sorry" for that and I don't regret it as it's my vocation and my job to raise righteous godly children to worship God and to be raised in faith, and to become upright, godly, moral  decent people, unstained from the immorality of the world and I won't "apologize" for that, but for anything else they may think I've done, failed to do, or was oblivious to, I do apologize for and I hope they can find healing, peace,and forgiveness but I'll never be "sorry" or regret that I raised them to know and worship God and to be raised in a home with religion and to have godly values. My faith is also the most important thing to me and in my life and what has gotten me thru so much and I wanted to pass that on to my own kids.

The other day my mother was also mentioning about that epic Farewell Losers!  party we had back in 1988 in Ottawa for our obnoxious next-door neighbours ( the one I called The Baboon) and how We had some good times.... and she sighed at the end, sounding sad, as if we don't anymore and it's just a happy distant memory of the past, and she's right; and her and I used to get along and be fairly close before, in the 80's , before I had kids and she over-stepped boundaries and wanted control and took over and interferred, and the best times in my life were my childhood in the 70's and teens in the 80's ( other than being molested and bullied, that is) pets(esp. my Chihuahuas and Buddy) friends, the YMCA group and the friends I had there, our world travels, summers, camp, the cottage, Christmases, visiting family, 2 of the schools I went to, when the kids were little, our old Toronto house(and the feeling of security and Home it provided and represents)...I wish I could just time-travel and go back and re-live them all, all over again. The 26 YR old also said I'm "so old" now I'm more like a grandmother than a mother even though none of my kids have had kids yet,and I don't have the energy or stamina to put up the Christmas tree and none of the kids want to do it,either, so maybe we're not even going to have a tree this year....My left eye's also been stinging burning sore a few days now and today the white part's yellow,too. Jaundice. My liver is failing.

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Wordless Wednesday.