Thursday, November 12, 2020

Doctor's Visit.

I saw my doctor yesterday and we went over the bloodwork and as always the kidney and liver readings were elevated but he's never concerned(I guess because now that's my norm) and he said the cortisol was ok even though the morning reading was low and lower than the afternoon reading( and the afternoon reading should be twice what the morning levels are if all is normal; I've done research) so maybe he doesn't know how to interpret it, and he has no idea the cause of my constant muscle, abdomenal and back pain or my debilitating fatigue( so bad I even wake up exhausted with my eyes stinging andf burning from extreme tiredness) and even after just doing one thing( such as laundry, cooking a meal or walking the dog, for example) I'm so wiped-out I have to lay down and nap 2 HRS and suggested maybe I'm not sleeping well at night; that's all he had to offer, but he he did at least give me a new prescription for my Rheumatoid Arthritis specifically for  that, that should at least help with my joint pain, and re-newed my other meds. I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm not meant to find out the diagnosis, to know what's causing all my ailments or to have it treated; that maybe the "plan" all along is to just wither away and die of it; that maybe it's just not part of God's plan for me to have it discovered and treated?

He also gave me a list of natural remedies to get and try for a 3 month period to try to give me more energy so I'm not so tired, stuff I can pick up at an herbal/natural place, such as magnesium oxide, omega 3, and co-enzyme Q-10 so I'll try that, I just hope it's not too expensive because the drug plan won't cover it, and he asked what I use for pain and I told him weed and he asked if I wanted him to refer me to a marijuana doctor and I told him I already have one and a medical prescription but at least it shows he agrees with medical marijuana therapy, as does my primary care doc, so they're open-minded about it, unlike my hubby who thinks I'm some sort of junkie drug addict no different than a crackhead, and I gave him some Lindor chocolate for a Christmas gift too as I don't see him again for another 6 months and he was so touched he thanked me profusely and clasped his hands together in "prayer" style to his chest, Indian-style( he's from Kerala) and bowed down thanking me . He's a nice guy(and smart,too) I just wish he could figure out why I'm always so run-down exhausted all the time and what's causing all my pain.

The 17 YR old also tried to go to the mall yesterday to get some shopping done.....but she got there and the mall was closed and the electricity was down as a car hit a transformer pole! That's the kind of thing that would happen to me with my bad luck; I guess she's "inherited" my bad luck,too! Buddy also is worrying me as for the past couple of days he's not eating or going for his walks and he's limping even more than usual and in pain and just lays around and wants to snuggle next to me like he's not doing well and it just breaks my heart. I also didn't get my TV show last night because of some stupid other thing that was on instead an pre-empted it, something called CMA awards  so I was mad and for one thing I don't even know what CMA is, and then when I found out it was actually country music awards  I was even madder; I missed my show for that  redneck crap? Why is it always redneck crap ( usually sports) that takes priority and pre-empts the regular stuff for everyone else all the time? That's one of my biggest pet-peeves. That, and having to wait in line.


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