Tuesday, November 3, 2020


My hubby is an enabler. He enables my mother to cheat on her diabetic diet by going out and picking up the forbidden foods she requests but isn't supposed to be eating, such as all the sweet sugary things like Coke, chocolate, donuts, ice cream, etc. and high sodium( salty things) like Big Macs and other fast-food, for example since she hardly gets out anywhere and is dependent on him to pick up everything so really all he has to do is simply refuse to buy it and she's cut off and can't cheat and get her BP up to 150-something over 100-something and her blood sugar up to 24 ( when it should ideally be 8 or at the very least under 10) but he gives in to her every single time and like the obedient little toady that he is when she says Jump!  he asks How high? and rushes out at her command and gets it for her like a good little man-servant. I asked him about it, eg. why doesn't he just NOT get her Coke  she always puts on the grocery list( she has 6 500 ml bottles a week!) and he shrugged, If I don't she'll just drink my Pepsi!  so I told him to just move it somewhere up high where she can't reach it( since she's so short; under 5 feet) but then he whined it won't be cold so then I suggested he get a tiny little fridge and put it down in the basement in his office as she NEVER goes down the stairs with her walker and bad balance so it'll be safe there.....and I thought he was supposed to be the smart  one and  was the "dumb" one and yet here I am coming up with the solution....She also yells at me for being "bossy" and telling her what to do when I'm just the only one trying to keep her alive.

To be more of an "incentive" to my hubby to stop enabling her and to keep her alive longer I also reminded him that once she dies her pension ( our third income which pays for the groceries) also dies with  her, meaning he has to step up and pay more (now he just pays for the car; I pay bills) and he wrongly thought 15 YRS or so after she dies the pension is transferred over to me but no, it's not, it ends, leaving us a salary short with no $$$ to buy groceries anymore so he's going to have to find the $$$$ somehow to pay for it and make up the difference, so in other words, stop trying to hurry up her demise and kill her off, which I think he's also trying to do because he's so eager to try and sell the house right from under us as neither of us want to sell; it's our homeand we don't want to move; we want to stay here, plus we wouldn't get enough $$$ selling it to buy a new one; other houses all cost more than what we'd get selling this one  and he said his plan is to sell it and use the $$$ to pay off the kids' student loans and move into an APARTMENT!!!

no f*cking way!!!!

Tthere's NO WAY I'm moving into an apartment EVER again! I spent most of my childhood in one and I HATED  it and the day we moved into our first house when I was 12(and also the first time I had my own bedroom and I was an Only Child!) was one of the best days of my LIFE and I'm NEVER going back to apartment living ever again! It's like going backwards in life, not forwards, like moving down from Park Avenue to the ghetto! NO WAY!! You have zero quiet and no privacy, neighbours all around making noise, and you don't have a backyard( so where am I supposed to suntan? and where will my private sanctuary be? Where will I have to get away and be on my own, my own private secluded spot, to escape from my family and all their shit?) plus where am I supposed to smoke my weed, and you can't have pets...it'll be like jail and I'll feel like a prisoner, neither my mother or I agree to that, and you lose all your investment and there's no reason the kids can't pay off their own  student loans like everyone else does, and they have jobs....It feels like they're trying to run me out of my home(the 17 YR old snickered for me to move back to my old Toronto house!) and I refuse to leave and then he sneered that They'll be moving to an apartment and I can stay here and pay all the expenses myself and that I'll have to get a job , knowing very well that with my social phobia, Asperger's and bipolar that I can't work...Needless to say this stresses me out to no end just even thinking  about it but one thing I do know is I WON'T let them drive me out of my home and force me into an apartment. When my mother dies the house goes to me and then when I die it passes on to the kids anyway, not to my hubby at all so I don't even know why he's making plans for it when it's not even his to sell. I just hope that I die first and then I won't have to worry because the future is so uncertain and scary. Now I know what old folks feel like when their familes force them out of their homes into old age homes and why the suicide rate is so high among seniors....

The 19 YR old also got Employee Of The Month at the cinema she works part-time at in Vancouver, and there was a terrorist attack in Vienna too and my friend H lives there and I hope he and his family are safe( he and his wife have 2 school-age girls) and today is election day in USA and I really hope they flush the turd this November 3rd and get rid of Trump as the world really can't stand another 4  years of his tyranny, racism and division and based on the record number of early voting it usually indicates people are fed-up with the current gov't and want change so based on that I'd predict (and think and hope) that Biden will win( and crushingly defeat Trump)  but then again you never know as I was surprised that we won the first time. I'm not a 'fan" of Biden being that he thinks it OK to kill babies, even approving of late-term abortion right up until birth and there has also been talk of him "fondling" women and so it's a matter of picking between a lesser of 2 evils(I have several American friends who are about evenly divided) but I still say anyone but Trump. it will be interesting to see what happens and the anticipated civil unrest and violence that is expected following the election reminds me of a Banana Republic  Central American country having a military coup. How far USA has fallen under the Trump regime....It's also been cold lately, windy and rain (typical fall weather) but tomorrow and up thru the weekend we're getting  4-5 days  really GOOD warm days around 13 C even 16 C or even higher, so I'll be back outside once again sitting in the sun, something I thought was over and I wouldn't be able to enjoy again until spring!!

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