Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Something is "fishy" here: they said on the news that this year there's hardly any Flu cases, only like 7 reported ones as compared to 7000 last year at this same time.....yet they also say that the Corona virus cases are sky rockerting and skiping to thousands a day now and that we're in a second wave and they'll have to tighten restrictions etc. and maybe even "cancel" Christmas, etc. then which one is it?  Do masks and social distancing and all the other restrictions they impose upon our rights and freedoms work to prevent spread of infection or do they not.....and if they do  supposedly work then how come it works only for the Flu but not for the Corona virus then, hmmmm? It obviously contradicts here. Something's obviously not right, and my guess is that they are mis-diagnosing the common Flu as Corona purposely so that they can "skew" the numbers to suit their agenda and make the Corona looks alot worse than it really is and to make it appear that there are way more cases( and that it's more serious) than it really is, to scare and control people even more, trying to "justify" their increased measures.

The more you comply, the more restrictions will increase.

I also read an article in a news site backing up everything I've been saying all along that it's all part of a grand plan to "re-set" the world into a totalitatian society , a New World Order that tightly controls and regulates everything and basically where people are mindless slaves to the State and if they told us to wear tin foil hats and walk naked down the streets people would obey blindly and do it, esp. if they were indoctrinated to believe that it would keep them "safe" from a virus or whatever else the Powers That Be have conditioned them to believe without thinking. I showed it to my hubby who dismissed it as the guy writing it isn't a reliable source and 95% of what he says is false  and if I believe him I'm a Trump supporter, etc. which is ridiculous because anyone that knows me knows  that I'm not  a Trump supporter, and I've never even heard of the guy that wrote the article, and I don't know about his reputation or not but one thing I can tell you is even if he's wrong about other things is he's right about this. The world is heading to a dangerous place and you have to ask yourself what is the end-game here? is it to control the global economy; the stock markets? To put certain companies and businesses out of business and to boost others, for example, think of the massives profits the Big Pharma companies are going to haul in with the anticipated new "cure-all" vaccines for Corona it also makes one wonder what exactly is really in those vaccines gov'ts are so eagerly and actively promoting and pushing on everybody,too: is it sterilization? microchipping? The Mark of The Beast? what? There is also a video of our PM Trudeau at the United Nations speaking how this is the perfect opportunity to "re-set" the world into a global one world gov't ( New World  Order) using the Corona virus as a means to get everyone to comply and obey.....the exact same thing I've( and not only just me) been saying. It makes me sick to realize what's going on all around me and yet most people are oblivious to it and just blindly accept it.


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