Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Mask.

The other day out walking Buddy I found this cute mask on the sidewalk so I picked it up and put it in my pocket ( Finders keepers!) pleased with my treasure thinking the 17 YR old might like it as she seems to collect cute masks and with her small face they're hard to fit and are always too big and she needs a small child size so I thought this would be perfect so I brought it home and washed it in the washing machine as so to give it a really good dis-infectant and cleaning and presented it to her thinking she'd be happy with her new gift.
She was horrified along with everyone else and they all recoiled in disgust and collectively went Ewwww!!! and were all grossed-out and it hurt as I thought I was giving her a nice gift but they thought I was picking garbage  and giving her something used but in my mind I had found a treasure , a unique hidden item that I had gifted to someone I love and I thought they'd like and could use but it was taken the completely opposite way and this happen to me alot and I suspect it must be an Asperger's thing:

I simply see things differently  than other people do. It's all about perspective.

I saw it as a treasure and they saw it as a piece of garbage. I saw it as a unique buried treasure kind of thing and they saw it as a used ratty piece of trash. I saw it as a special item to gift to someone I care about and they saw it as a dirty old rag she ended up throwing out in the garbage, even though I did  clean it first. I felt rejected with my gift rejected and thrown out and this kind of thing happens alotp I mean things one way and yet time and time again they always seem to get taken the wrong way, the opposite to what and how I intended and people always get mad, offended,insulted, and make fun of me, criticize me, laugh at me, etc. when all I ever try to do is to be nice but it always end up back firing and blowing up in my face and making me look stupid and getting me rejected, laughed at, looking dumb, etc. you get the idea. I can never "win" no matter how hard I try and this gives you an idea of what being on the Spectrum is like. It's like being on a  completely different "frequency" as everyone else.

This morning I also saw a dead mouse floating drowned in the toilet and the other day I found a mouse hole in the living room they use as I saw one running into it so I informed my hubby about it and telling him to seal it up and fill it up or block it somehow to prevent them access and he just said to put traps there as it they'll just find another way and I said why not do both; fill in the hole to block them entry and set traps for the remaining ones but he won't ( too lazy I guess) and I'd do it myself except I have no idea how to do stuff like that or what to use, and yesterday my morning started off really bad,too: the towel I grabbed to dry off after my bath had hair all over it so I guess someone cut their hair and used it and just threw it there and left it.....so when I dried off my wet self all the hair stuck to me.....really really icky....and then I couldn't find any clean underwear, and then my pants were inside-out and when I went to do the laundry I ran out of detergent,too!! Shit!! I also got this painful revelation that the only time I've ever been or felt desirable or sexy was to my pedophile relative that molested me from ages 4-12. That hit really hard.

Today is also going up to 23 C and the last of our week of nice warm temps and for this past week my mother's actually been following her diabetic diet and NOT cheating (probably as I see our doctor and she doesn't want me "snitching" on her!) and due to it she's been feeling better,too, and has more energy and is up and around more and even sitting up and outside instead of laying around in bed all day like usual, and I have this weird headache for the past few days too and I can even feel like something's dripping inside my head, and both joint and muscle pain so bad(esp. back and legs) I can hardly move, and the other day my mother had the 26 YR old order in pizza for her ( she always has other people do stuff for her) and she wanted a medium Supreme and a large pepperoni and bacon but ended up the opposite: with a medium pepperoni/ bacon and a large Supreme and she got really mad and blamed either the 26 YR old for telling  them the wrong thing or them for getting it wrong but when she called back they said that was the order they were given so then she said it must have been him who told them the wrong thing.....and then I asked her how do you know it wasn't you that could have accidently mixed it up and told him the wrong thing? and she was furious at the idea and suggestion and refused to accept that possibility, because, you know, nothing is ever her fault, but always someone else's. She really is a piece of work. When the bill came in for my Christmas present from my hubby she also was going to make me pay for it, for my own gift instead of giving him the bill! WTF? and then when I asked her about it she goes, Oh, I don't know.....just GET OFF MY BACK!  seriously though, WTF?


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