Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Not last night but the night before we got soooo much snow it was a biiig snowstorm all across the entire province we easily got 30 cm overnight(I took the photo above) which would be a foot. When I took poor Buddy out in the morning to go pee he just sunk in the deep snow and was buried, being a low-rider, and the snow was as high as he is tall; it's hard being a Dachshund in the winter and I had to shovel him a little path out in the back porch as the front driveway and sidewalk hadn't been shovelled or plowed yet but shortly later one of the neighbours plowed out our driveway with his snow blower( which was nice) and I thought it might have been the guy across the street (L's husband) but my hubby said it was next-door and it shocked me as that guy hates me; the one with that vicious dog I call The Beast  that has tried to attack Buddy a few times and my hubby gloated crooning, he LIKES me!! and I was thinking Oh, good for you! A redneck drug dealer likes you! That must make you feel special, Sunshine!  I just absolutely love  the sparkling glitter of the snow, too and it makes me think of diamonds and I had this weird dream last night too I couldn't find Buddy and someone brought this other red miniature Dachshund over to me and said It looks the same... and I wailed, I want my  dog! The one I love, bonded with and have a connection with! It's also been about a week since I had that seizure in my sleep and started having chest pains and I still have the pains and today I keep yawning as well and when I do I feel a pinch in my chest and I'm really nauseated as well and my cough is so bad I had to take cough medicine but it's a dry cough though and my ribs don't hurt so I know it's not bronchitis or pneumonia and I don't have a fever. I also can't tell what's worse, either: my abdomenal, back, or arthritis pain...

Today is also sooo freezing cold out as well -23C without  the wind-chill; it's so cold enough on it's own it doesn't even need a wind-chill, and for Family Day we ordered-in from Pizza Hut and their pizza is gross with the greasy crust but they have good pasta and bread sticks and I just thought of something too: boneless wings are really just chicken nuggets, and the 17 YR old said in 25 YRS no one will even remember The Beatles even though it's been 50 YRS now and they're still famous and I told her they still will as they're Classic but  they won't remember One Direction, Justin Bieber, KPop, etc. in 25 YRS though, and you can't even compare them, and it was like that stupid movie Groundhog Day  the other day too: my mother kept on watching repeatedly the exact same episode of a TV show over and over again too, forgetting that she's already seen it and I was sitting there in the room with my headphones on listening to music and every time I'd look up at the TV I'd keep seeing the same scenes re-playing over and over again! I felt like I was stuck in a time warp! My hubby watching chess tournaments on TV also loudly enthusiastically yells out loud at the TV like rednecks do watching sports and he gets mad at mewhen I do that at the news and yells at me to shut up and that it "ruins" it for him, but it's ok for him  to do it though? Different rules for him I guess...Today is also Ash Wednesday and starts the fasting and repentent season of Lent and I almost forgot and had to switch my entire meals for the day( no meat or treats plus fasting) and I believe God accepts worship from all religions( other than Satanism of course) as long as you worship him with all your heart, in true faith.

“Hell is other people.” -Jean-Paul Sartre.


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