Friday, April 30, 2021

Daily Thought.


Fly Away.

Well, the day has finally come. Today the 17 YR old(soon-to-be 18, on 9 May) leaves to embark on her 4 month long journey and adventure. Today she will fly away on her own and I won't see her again until the end of summer, assuming, of course, that she even deicdes to come  back and doesn't decide to just stay in Vancouver and move there full-time, but she better not, since she has my suitcase she has to return! The airline better not damage it,either because I paid 200$ for it! My mother also suggested she should take out travel insurance since she'll be out of province for a few months and the health coverage is provincial but she scoffed and just blew it off and my hubby insisted it covers the entire country even though it doesn't; health care is provincial and when she said it also covers lost or damaged luggage she shrugged Who cares? and I replied,  care because it's my luggage! I'm really going to miss her,too, but I won't cry( or at least not in front of her) because I'm going to be strong( never let them see you cry), and I asked her since I won't see her again until the end of August and as a combination Mother's Day gift(she won't be here for) and in case I die before she returns if she'll let me at least give her a hug goodbye but she still refused and it broke my heart. 😢 All I've ever done is love her with all my heart but that wasn't enough and she still rejects it.

I don't have too much to post today so instead I added a bunch of other random memes for your amusement but I did have chili the other day, despite my IBS and knowing I'm not supposed to have beans but it just smelled sooooo good and it's been so long so I gave in and ate it.....but then I really, really regretted it the next day. Ugh. 

I also had Butter Chicken the other day(my fave.) so if that had been my last day alive I would have at least died happy; with a smile on my face and a happy tummy and if I ever had to request a Last Meal like the prisoners on Death Row I'd ask for Butter Chicken and chocolate mousse.

I also wasn't able to nap much yesterday because Buddy, who was laying beside me, kept licking his balls and the loud slurping sound was really annoying and distracting. He also has alot of bruising on his underbelly and groin area too and it makes me wonder if the 14 YR old maybe kicks him or something when I'm not looking because he is mean like that...

I also figured that visionairies ahead of their time are called Conspiracy Theorists until the Truth is finally revealed, and I saw somewhere about the Scamdemic too the variant in India they're hyping to be so lethal that the media is actually using old news coverage of the gas leak from before and passing it off as Corona patients and deaths and I also saw photos where the same "crisis actor" was seen in several disaster photos that had been staged as well and burial photos where it was the same photo re-created with names of locations switched. It's all just an illusion; maya, and things are NOT as they seem. They're just tricking you into thinking it's way worse than it actually is to scare you into blind, unthinking, unquestionable submission and obedience.

We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" -The Eagles, "Hotel California"


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Today's Larf.



I had a thought: what if the Anti-Christ isn't actually a person, but rather an organization, a cabal, such as the Illuminati or the Bilderburgs or some powerful organization such as those, trying to usher in the New World Order? God's people have been looking at it being an individual person all this time but maybe it's an organization instead? Esp. with everything that's happening now with the Scamdemic  and all the lockdowns, curfews, restrictions and Martial Law-style tactics and attacks on our freedom that's occurring it does make you wonder, and, if so, an organization is much more difficult to defeat than one individual, although not so for God.If you ever wondered as well how you, your family,and friends would react under oppression, restrictions, gov't tyranny and Police State rule; if you'd comply or resist, now you know. This is the test and maybe the revolution I've been waiting for my entire life,being a Marxist, has finally come? Maybe this is  my purpose in life, my calling, the reason I'm still here? At least now more and more people are finally  waking up and opening their eyes as there's been countless protests with hundreds and even thousands of people springing up all across the country recently protesting the lockdowns etc. demanding their freedom back, and the police arrest them( no, we aren't even allowed to protest anymore, and soon North Korea will have more freedom than we do) and funny,too: the other day I mentioned about how I'll just get a fake vaccine passport so I can travel again and my friend T( in Ottawa) said Just get the f*cking vaccine!! but I won't, no way, and he goes, So, you'd rather commit fraud just so you can travel? and I replied, Pretty much! 

The 17 YR old leaves tomorrow on her 4 month journey, going to London first to visit the now 25 YR old and her BF and take a spin in his new Tesla and then on 4 May flies to Vancouver to visit 2 more sisters and stays until end of the summer, unless, of course, by then they ground all domestic flights or ban inter-provincial travel too and she ends up stuck there and can't get back home, and my hubby also starts a week holidays today too and goes with her to London, giving me a few days break from him as well; he drives her there and then onto the airport in Toronto, dropping her off and then he comes back hone. I noticed as well the milk left over in the Lucky Charms cereal with it's blue-ish tinge looks like breast milk, and Buddy keeps licking, pawing at, humping and whining my left leg, and only that leg, not the other, so I wonder if he's trying to tell me there's something wrong with it, perhaps, and it is swollen more than the right one, and I notice he's losing fur on his underbelly, groin and chest now,too and is bald, and hairless there; it's just skin, and I dread next month as something bad always  happens to us in May; it's like it's a cursed bad luck month, and I just hope it's NOT  that Buddy dies as that's a hit I can't take and a loss I can't bear, but the Quran says that God does not give a soul more  than it can bear, and it puzzles me too why all the rednecks in this hick-ass town always park their vehicles on their lawns, esp. when they have perfectly good driveways! Is it a trailer-trash thing, or what?

Live in the moment. Live for the moment.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wordless Wednesday.


Truth For The Day.


Shopping Spree.

Now with my bipolar in an "upswing" I went on sort of an online shopping spree; I ordered the 2 items shown here; the sunflower necklace and the funky cool Dachshund statue! They were both 40-50% off and had free shipping even though from different places. They are just sooooo perfect  for me and so perfectly me  and I haven't got a treat for myself in awhile(other than the harem pants I got awhile ago) and I recently put a stop at the bank to my $$$$ being automatically transferring into my mother's account( so she can pay the bills using my $$$$) since she had been stealing from me and keeping whatever extra I had left over at the end of the month after paying all the bills(sometimes even 200$ or so!) without even telling me I had anything left(and just letting me think it all went on bills,and I never even had enough $$$ to buy my own essentials such as shampoo, deoderant,etc.) and just spending it all herself, so now I know exactly how much I have and how much is left at the end and she no longer has any access to it and I just transfer the $$$$ just needed for the bills over to her account (since the bills are all in her name) but she doesn't have access to anything else. I still can't believe she did  that though, that she actually stole $$$$ from me, her own daughter while all this time, all these years,  she led me to believe that it took ALL of my $$$$ to pay the bills and I had nothing left and I was unable to buy anything all this time, meanwhile that was where she always "found" all this "extra" $$$$ from. I feel so betrayed! I bet the next thing I'll buy online too will be a fake vaccine passport so that I can travel again!

I wonder too if I'm the only one that always has this constant non-stop ongoing monologue running in my head as I go about my daily routine and daily life, and they say you tend to find happiness and love when you're not looking so does that mean maybe I'll find it now that I've completely given up all hope then, and I wonder as well if maybe the reason God made me ugly, on The Spectrum, bipolar, etc. and saddled me with an unhappy life of abuse, bullying, rejection, exclusion, misfortune, trauma, etc, was to keep me humble and so that I would rely on Him?  The 17 YR old leaves on her 4 month adventure in just 2 more days too and even though she's the second-last kid to leave she's the one I'm going to miss the most even though I know I have to let her go and I also want her to spread her wings and fly and do what she needs to do to be happy and we had a thunderstorm last night as well at bedtime I always love as I snuggle down in bed under my covers going to sleep but Buddy hates as it scares him.

It also makes me wonder,too: how come if people are vaccinated for Coronavirus they tell them they still have to wear their masks(AKA "face diapers")? it's just a symbol of oppression and obedience is all,  and I looked further into that 13 YR old they claimed died of it too and that wasn't actally the case; she really died of pneumonia and also just happened to have COVID as well but that wasn't what killed her; she had pneumonia but her father was too late in taking her to the hospital as he was afraid they were too busy with the pandemic and by the time he finally did take her it was too late but they have to label every death as Corona to inflate the numbers and keep people scared in order to "justify" their lockdowns and other restrictive measures and pretty soon North Korea will have more freedom than we do here, and the mindless sheeple line-up for blocks and for hours for the vaccine too and I wouldn't line-up that long for anything , not even for free weed or free concert tickets! I think the real agenda might also be sterilization for population control as well, and when you consider that China and India are the 2 countries they "blame" for it and are also the world's 2 most populous countries it's NOT too far-fetched(and also considering that Bill Gates is behind the vaccines and he is well-known for his population control agenda) and I think it's an international cabal  trying to usher in the New World Order, the Great Reset, with every King, President, Prime Minister and Head of State, etc. using this "Scamdemic" to scare everyone into obedience and submission and to sterilize them thru the vaccines they claim is to "protect" them from this virus they've either completely invented or at the very least overblown...

With God by my side I fear nothing.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Laff For Today.


Tuesday Thoughts.

Cats are assholes. I f*cking hate cats.

 When you smoke the good weed you can even see sound! (it looks like waves)

This literally made me laugh out loud!!😂


Thought For The Day.