Tuesday, June 15, 2021


I don't really have much to post today, no new updates so instead you get a bunch of memes and cute hippo pictures to entertain you today my dear readers, all 2 of you, ha, ha. The good news is  as far as I can tell anyway Buddy hasn't had any more bleeding from his mouth since Noon yesterday and this morning his turds are back to the normal brown colour from the tarry black yesterday indicating bleeding and even yesterday he was still acting normal; wagging his tail, eating and drinking and playing so hopefully it wasn't anything serious and just something like maybe he swallowed something sharp like part of a stick or something and it cut something on the way down in his throat or stomach or something? Also when I pressed on his abdomen yesterday to check it was still soft and squishy and not "guarded" and rigid like it would be if he had internal bleeding and it didn't hurt because he didn't wince or cry. I was just soooo scared though, like the stone-cold, pit-in-your-stomach stark-cold fear like I had when our now 23 YR old had cancer when he was 7. It was just awful. I really feared I was losing him and I spent the day holding and cuddling him, preparing to say goodbye and it was heartbreaking and I was just inconsolable.

Today I feel really sweaty this morning it's just pouring down and it's not even hot yet either; just 19 C so it must be my menopause again and my brain is so out-of-focus as well I forgot to turn the oven on when I put the food in. I put it in and even put the timer on and when I came back 25 min. later to check on the food to see how it was doing I was surprised to see it was still raw....and then realized I had forgotten to set the oven. I'm such a doofus.

I also saw a new "fad" now is eating cicadas( the insects) incl. on pizza! Uh, no thanks. I thought cauliflower pizza was bad enough!

My computer is still a bit "wonky." I can now get my photos uploaded OK but still not my songs and now when I do my photos they end up in weird places such as Desktop instead of Pictures or Lightshot where they're supposed to be so now I have to search for them all over and have files all over.

Even hippos can smile,too! 😀

This is me laying out in the sun.

No, there's no one home In my house of pain. -Faster Pussycat.


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...