Saturday, August 28, 2021

Something To Think About.

Re-posted from McMama on Facebook: 

On day one I said I wouldn’t put a mask on because it wasn’t actually about the mask.
It never was. This is about compliance, control, money and power. I’ve never been so confident about something in my life.
Listen, I care about safety. I don’t have a problem following rules or with authority as a concept. I want my children to be safe, and I care about yours as well.
But if you haven’t yet, it’s time to wake up and smell what’s going on.
Our children are being conditioned, brainwashed and pumped full of propaganda. Adults are being successfully shamed into not thinking for ourselves.
It’s happening to such an alarming degree, but I think what’s even more alarming is how many people don’t seem to recognize it!
Case in point:
I’m in South Dakota with my son for a big soccer tournament. They played about seven minutes of their first game this morning, and then a bullhorn sounded. The weather was great. Everyone looked confused. A ref told the boys to get off the field.
They did. For the next 20 minutes, the boys played around off the field, kicking the soccer balls around. I contemplated putting on some sunblock. The parents all sat and talked and laughed. We had our umbrellas up to protect us from the hot sun. The ref came over and told us the bullhorn must’ve meant radar spotted lightning so it was a mandatory 30 minute delay.
Now, the irony did not escape me that the boys were still playing soccer OFF the field and were no safer than they had been playing ON the field, but whatever.
The real kicker came a few minutes later when, skies still blue and clear, the same ref came over to us and said, “Well, I checked the rule book, and it said if there is a bullhorn 30 minute delay, I’m supposed to instruct everyone to go into their vehicles to be safe. So, please everyone get into your cars.”
And instantly. INSTANTLY. Every. 👏🏽 Single. 👏🏽 Parent. 👏🏽 And player. 👏🏽 Got. 👏🏽 Into. 👏🏽 Their. 👏🏽 Vehicles. 👏🏽
Except me and my son (and his friend who is with us).
Would it have been just as easy to go get in the Jeep? Sure! It’s not that hard to wear a mask, either. Compliance isn’t difficult.
But that is not the point. If I don’t teach my children to think for themselves, nobody is going to.
So if for no other reason then to prove a point to my son, we stayed out during the entire delay. They kicked around the soccer ball, and I enjoyed the sunshine. Every other parent and player from both teams stayed dutifully in their cars.
And you know, maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe I should just shut up and comply. Maybe I’m being selfish. Maybe I’m not thinking about the greater good. Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist. Maybe I’m a bitch. Maybe my kind is a danger to society.
Or maybe. Maybe I’m right. And maybe in your gut, you know that you are, too. Maybe the real danger is what will happen to our children if more of us don’t take a stand for common sense and quit believing and complying with everyone who says they are an “expert” without rationally thinking for ourselves.
Is individual autonomy a hill I’m willing to die on?
You better believe it.


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Thought For The Day.