Thursday, September 23, 2021


Yesterday and today all day and night we're having a deluge of rain( that's the exact term the TV meterologist even used!) expecting 100 mm that's just so heavy and neverending it's a real gutter-washer  and it's just pouring down, sloshing away, bouncing, and every time I take Buddy out to do his thing we just get soaked, drenched, dripping wet and have to use a towel and dry off and he looks like a drowned rat and my shirt is sticking to my back and the water runs all down my hair onto my face. Yes, it's that much rain. I joke to my hubby he better get busy and start building that ark! Of course the kitchen ceiling and the basement's also going to flood now,too.It's supposed to rain for something like 4 days in a row,too.Ugh. I hate rain.
The day after the election someone from the PPC also came by and took back the election sign from our lawn and a friend of mine called them a radical fringe group too but it's not uncommon for freedom fighters ahead of their time to be called that, while most of the brainwashed sheeple are mindlessly plodding along following orders, until later they finally wake up and see, and someone also told me to just conform and comply with society and not cause shit but I haven't in 54 years and I'm NOT about to start now, and I will always think for myself and go my own way and have never followed the crowd,and remember when you follow the masses that the m is often silent, and starting yesterday I am now officially a second-class citizen in my own country,too, denied acess to services, travel, events, etc. because I refused to comply and have a new relatively untested poison injected into my body which also very-well may be the Mark Of The Beast and you also have to show gov't ID,too, no longer a free democratic country anymore, and they say it's just "temporary" too but they also claimed Income Tax was a "temporary" measure during WWII too and yet here we are now, some 80 years later, still paying it...Once they take your freedom away you never get it back either; it's like losing your virginity; once it's gone it's gone and you can't get it back again.

The election was also just a 600$ million waste too to just basically end up with the same gov't as we had before and that $$$ could have gone to much better use such as helping the needy, like building homes for the homeless or feeding the hungry, and the 26 YR old said the elections are rigged again and it's already pre-determined who is going to win; they just allow us to vote to make us think  that we're making a "difference"(I think if you don't vote you can't complain about the gov't otherwise you're part of the problem,not the solution) and that would explain how Trudeau got re-elected twice despite the shitty job he did and all the corruption and scandals plus now the tyrannical dictatorship he's turned it in to, plus also if he sold his soul to the devil(or if he's even the Anti-Christ himself!) would also explain his quick rise to power out of relative nowhere...that's how most people gain fame/fortune/power seemingly overnight in most cases, and I guess the vax campaign of get vaxxed for the "Greater Good" is more convincing too than to be more forthright and honest and say Sterilize and euthanize yourself for the "Greater Good."  and I heard as well a Catholic diocese in the Maritimes even requires all it's parishoners  to show proof of vaxx too before they can even attend Mass ,too, so now they even discriminate against people who want to worship God,too!

I also realize that chess is kind of racist too when you really think about it: white always moves first, never black, so why does the white guy also go first and not the black? That just seems unfair, and I saw this question online as well Would you re-marry your spouse all over again? and I was surprised that most people said "yes"(me: Nooooooooo!!!!) and I washed Buddy's blankets yesterday because they were really stinky and he was mad and sulking all day and being a diva and shunned me, mad I got rid of the smell, and I was smoking weed outside as the sun was setting and I scared away a dove and I felt really badly too as doves symbolize peace, and I'm still wearing my flip-flops, too, even though it's officially fall now, until it gets cold, and I saw it costs 175$ for a subscription just to watch redneck hockey on this TV channel,too,but they'd have to pay me alot more than that to force me to watch it, at least a million $$$ because torture doesn't come cheap.,and my pain is sooo bad lately(back, stomach and abdomen plus an awful headache mainly on the left side) I get all sweaty and feel faint and just want to cry and scream at the same time and I almost pass out and I had a dream too I have colon cancer and it spread to my liver which would explain my symptoms...

I've always been on a different frequency than everyone else.


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...