Saturday, September 4, 2021

Fish Lips.

My hubby got this professional tooth whitening kit at the dentist's and he had enough left over he said I could use it so I started yesterday night( my original photo I had for this post incl. my entire face but I decided to crop it and edit it to just my nose and mouth as it was larger than life and twice as ugly) and it has to be kept in your mouth(and your mouth shut) incl. no eating, drinking or talking  for 40 minutes and can be done for up to 7 days and my hubby snarked that he didn't think I could keep quiet that long....ha,ha, very "funny"....f*ck YOU. I did it while I was watching the news. It's these 2 rubber things that sort of look like dentures or braces and they have these ridges in them where you put the whitening cream and you put them over your teeth, close your mouth, clamp down and wait and voila....your teeth get whiter. I also notice too ever since I've been vaping my weed for the past 18 months or so they've gotten whiter too, so the vape must somehow also bleach teeth,too, a nice side-effect. Speaking of weed, every time I smoke weed my dog also gives me a judgemental look and yesterday morning I woke up with his balls next to my face,too! I also had this scary nightmare that we moved but somehow "forgot" Buddy(as if I ever would; I'd forget myself before I'd ever forget my best friend!) and left him behind and then when I realized my hubby refused to go back and get him, and I also had another dream I bought 2 hanging baskets of lilacs and the vendor said if you put tea in them they last longer.

I also found yet another muffin container left on the kitchen table( this happens all the time and I'm sick of it; I mean really, how hard is it to toss it out into the recycling box?) and I grumbled to my mother about those lazy kids....and it turned out that it was actually her all along; she said she was in a hurry to watch her show and just left it there. I mean, really? Come on! I thought it was one of the kids and when I told her not to be so inconsiderate and make more work for other people cleaning up after her she acted the 'victim"(like she always does) and accused me  of being "mean" to her! She also slipped and fell in the bathroom last night again,too, thinking she 'doesn't need" her walker at times when she clearly does, and I also found moths in the washing machine this morning too, they must have come from an old musty towel the 14 YR old still had forgotten in a bag somewhere he had festering from when he went swimming at his friend's house.Ewww!! It makes me sad too to think that this might be the last summer Buddy and I have together since he is 15 1/2 now...

I had also ordered a NoMoreLockdowns! lawn sign months ago but I never heard back unless they did call me back and my hubby intercepted the call somehow(like maybe when I was napping or outside?) and sabotaged it, and I wouldn't put it past him, and the worst  threat I've heard yet in this whole Scamdemic too is my cousin M waiting for a kidney transplant: they told him unless he gets the vaccine he'll be taken off  the transplant list! He told them they can take it and shove it up their ass! That's just horrible! How can they threaten to with-hold life-saving medical procedure just because you won't comply and take the Mark Of The Beast? I never would have known though that my little blonde cousin would grow up to be a freedom fighter  and martyr and be willing to give up his life for a cause and I admire him. I've also seen alot more CF-18 fighter jets flying overhead lately too so are they training for an upcoming revolution perhaps, and yesterday I saw 2 squirrels mating as well as 2 doves, so why is everyone so horny  lately? Is it something in the water, and I could never figure out how women thought Tom Jones was "hot",either( even when he was young) I always thought he was gross and I would never throw my underwear up on stage at at Jason Momoa I would though....

I feel like a passenger in my own life.


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Musing For Today.