Saturday, January 15, 2022


Not much happening, not much to say, other than I can feel myself detaching from everything and everyone and solitude is so healing. I must be such a shitty person too if my own family hates me, thinks I'm a burden and wants me gone and my kids want nothing to do with me, and I just make everything worse. People say I need therapy but I dont want help and my life isn't worth saving; I just want to die and be set free.

My prego Facebook friend( who is almost 34 weeks) is also cramping all day and nauseated so it could be early labour, 6 weeks early, I bet from getting the vaccine and then getting COVID right after as a result of it, and I just don't understand how the sheeple can be so stupid  and esp. when prego and put their baby at risk like that; I just can't wrap my head around it, and so many babies have been stillborn as a result but population control is their agenda. Now here they're also pushing a fourth booster too, because we all know how "well" 3 doses "worked" and people are still stupid enough to keep getting them and it will never end.The gov't also is now making truckers crossing the Canada-USA land border be vaccinated too which will disrupt our food and other supply; starving us out now,too and in Quebec even fining the unvaxxed; a vax-tax,too!.

It's also sooooo f*cking cold today words can't even describe the feeling.We're also supposed to have a big snowstorm Monday(and then again Wednesday) with 20-30 cm of snow.I guess after a mild December winter is finally here for real,and with a vengeance.

Freedom of speech isn't something somebody else gives you. That's something you give to yourself.-Kurt Vonnegut.


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