Saturday, January 22, 2022

Weekend Update.

I had this vivid dream the other night that I was in Heaven and I was happy and I wanted to stay but these loud beeps (I assume hospital monitors) keep drawing and pulling me back even though I didn't want  to go back and then I woke up. I still have that neverending cold for weeks,too, congested, bad cough,and sometimes I can hardly even breathe and I swear my body is conspiring to kill me,  and yesterday I was out on the front vernanda(because there's just soooo much snow out the back I could only shovel enough to open the back door and shovel a bit for Buddy to go pee but not enough for me to get out and smoke) smoking weed when the 14 YR old's friend's mother came by asking if he wanted to go over and play so now she knows I'm a giant pothead( ha,ha) and I don't care;that's just who I am but if my hubby knew she saw me he'd just be soooo mad and so embarrassed  even though it is for medicinal purposes he doesn't care he still equals it to being some sort of shameful passed-out drunk or junkie in an alley even though in reality it's no different than someone having a glass of wine with dinner. I also heard Oscar Mayer is making bologna face masks and it reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to bite out holes for the eyes and mouth in a piece of bologna and stick it to my face!😂

I also wish I got with a blind guy and then he wouldn't even know (or be bothered by) I'm ugly as he couldn't see and I still remember when I was a kid I used to think that a Blind Date meant that he was blind; that he couldn't see,and I always wondered how they could drive if they were blind,  and I wish I had been born Chinese as well as then I would have at least had a high probabability of being smart, as I am now I'm not smart or pretty,and someone also(I suspect my hubby because he hates it I mute the commercials watching the news and turn down redneck sports and put my headphones on so I don't have to hear that crap) sabotaged the TV remote so that only  the mute and volume buttons don't work(but everything else was ok) just to piss me off but luckily I was able to fix it as last night watching the news he wasn't there so I just turned off the TV when the sports came on and then estimated it would be off in 3 minutes so when I turned it back on it had automatically somehow reset itself and it was ok! The oldest also asked which of his sibling's umbilical cord he cut(which I think was an odd question to suddenly just ask) and I honestly don't even remember; I'm not even sure that he did; I can just remember the second-oldest was there when the 18YR old was born and the 27 YR old was there when the 14 YR old was born(because I have photos), so if he was, I assume it would have been for the 20 YR old's because he would have had to have been at least 10.

Now England, Ireland and Czech Republic are lifting COVID restrictions such as masks,vaccine passports,etc. so hopefully other countries will take notice and follow,but of course this dystopian tyrannical Fascist shithole(and Australia,which are the 2 worst) will probably be the last ,if they ever do( we;ll probably never be free) and I heard in Greece they fine seniors over 70$ a MONTH if they're not vaccinated(and seniors can least  afford it!) like they also do in Austria and even in Quebec,too!) and in this country as well we have empty grocery shelves all over the province, because the gov't banned truckers from crossing the border unless they have had the Mark Of The Beast, and a father was ordered by a judge to NOT say anything against the vaccine or it's effectiveness etc. in the presence of his 10 YR old son; he can't contradict what the gov't is indoctrinating him in school,and another father was denied custody or even visitation by another court to his son because the father isn't vaccinated, and a family of 7 was denied buying groceries at a Wal-Mart as well because they didn't have the vaccine passport, and I saw a video from Quebec with kids being asked questions about the vaccine and unvaccinated and they said they should be forced to get it and punished if not and to call the police on them, etc, like fully indoctrinated Hitlerjugend. Now if you can't plainly see that the New World Order and the Great Reset are here then you are deeply in denial and are part of the problem and NOT part of the solution.

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.” - Ayn Rand


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