Friday, March 11, 2022

This Is Us.

Not too much going on but a couple of interesting things though: yesterday a guy came to estimate repairing our broken fence( when our tree fell it broke the fence last year and we had to have it cut down) and he said around 10 K which is obviously outrageous( where are we ever going to get that kind of $$$$???? and it's just for part  of the fence!) so we're going to get more quotes, or it might just be cheaper for my hubby to fix it himself and get the wood at the hardware store or wherever. There's no way we can afford that!  My mother also kept smelling this acetone smell that smells like nail polish remover  for a few days recently and that worried me as a few days before our fire 26 YRS ago we smelled that too and we didn't know it at the time but it was the rubber insulation on the wires burning thru and once I mentioned it to the fire chief afterwards(when he asked if there was anything unusual we noticed before) he knew exactly what it was but we didn't at the time and it scared me as I worry we're going to have another electrical fire like we had at the other house only last time we both smelled it and this time only she did but it turned out it was just herself she was smelling; it was her ketones (which have a similar smell)with her diabetes her own body was giving off; her blood sugar was too low and she was close to going into a dangerous diabetic coma because she's bad at maintaining her diabetes and hadn't been eating enough!Shit!

She also had a phone consult with her new doctor who wants to see her about her bad shoulder, pain so bad it comes and goes but when she has it she wants to scream and she'll be ordering an X-ray(I even wonder if amybe one of those times she fell if maybe she might have even broken it with her old age and brittle bones, or maybe it's just arthritis or it just wore out?) and blood work and wants to give her a memory test as well. The guy that came to check the fence also noticed our car in the driveway had a big bulge in one of the front tires( we never noticed) and said it will blow out on the highway so my hubby took it in to the shop and they said 2 front tires were like that and he needs all new tires( they're snowtires) so he just had them remove them and put the regular all-season tires back on at this point, so late in the season( we're supposed to get snow tonight but it shouldn't last for long) luckily giving him time to save up $$$$ to buy the new set of snow tires before he needs them next winter. God works in mysterious ways, even thru other people, often using others to warn us,too.

My friend P( from grade 6) who just retired and just returned from a 2 week trip to Cuba is now on another trip to Mexico and my Facebook  friend who had a baby her baby is alreadya  month old and she said she lost 3 litres of blood during her cesarian as well; that's half her blood volume and my friend in Brazil her oldest daughter( who is a dermatologist) had her 2nd baby yesterday( she also has a son around age 5) a girl and she had a cesarian,too. It seems everyone is having them lately, yet even with all my 11 kids I've never had one even once.Next week the oppressive mask mandate finally ends as well, thank God, and the US Surgeon General said he recommens kids do NOT get the vaccine as it's NOT worth the risk of the side-effects and Pfizer has a hundred page report of the dangers, risks, and dangerous side effects of the Clot-shot  as well but of course the mainstream media isn't covering it and whenevener anyone dares to try and mention about all the biolabs  in Ukraine their online accounts mysteriously get suspended,too. You know, like in a censored dictatorship and not in a free democratic society. It's also sad to realize that I wasted my youth having kids too and now they all hate me and I have nothing left now except my dog.

Love all, trust nobody.-Marcia Amaral


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