Monday, June 20, 2022

Bad Influence?

I have this blog linked to my Twitter account and today I noticed that this notice( shown here above) appeared warning people that click on it that it's harmful, unsafe. a risk, etc. 
I couldn't believe it!
My little 'ol blog is "unsafe"? A bad influence?
I checked more into it and it said it "violated the Twitter rules and regulations and standards etc. but what does my blog (which is a separate entity) even have to do  with Twitter anyway, and they said terms it violated may have incl. any of the following: spam, malicious links, violence, terrorism, extremism, glorifying violence, hate, abuse, promoting illegal activity,etc.
What the actual fuck?
I couldn't believe it. First of all, some f*cker obviously had to report it and I hate it that nosey people can't just mind their own damn business and like to cause trouble for other people, but I wonder what exactly I'm "guilty" of? my only guess would be possibly  my anti-vax stance and they don't want people being exposed to a different opinion that might make them think in another way or that challenges authority or the norm, or maybe it's my posts about marijuana usage, even though it's completely legal here in Canada(if it isn't elsewhere that's their problem, not mine) and I use it for medicinal purposes, or because I'm so anti-government? Who knows, but in any case they can just f*ck right off with their censorship!

I have always been a free-spirit and a rebel and I say what I think and I will always speak my mind and my truth and stand up for what I believe in and I don't need "permission." God is my only boss and I don't ask; I just DO, There are consequences to being a rebel, however, sometimes it's losing friends, other times it's being censored, silenced, banned, ridiculed, excluded, mocked, etc. but I still won't back down, stop, be repressed, suppressed, or shut up. I just keep getting back up again and speaking my mind and my truth and if what I say or do or believe in or the way I live my life "offends" people then they can just KISS MY ASS.

Part of being a rebel is learning how to be alone.

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