Today is officially summer! The next few days are also supposed to be really hot( in the 30 C temp range with a humidex in the 40 C range) and every time a flower blooms on my sunflowers( the mature ones I planted; they are strange and have 3-4 blooms per plant unlike the ones I used to grow from seeds that only ever had one flower per plant) the damn birds always pick all the petals off! The 15 YR old also went to his friend's birthday party yesterday and stayed overnight and comes back later today and whenever he's being a little jerk and I tell him off he always smirks, You raised me! and I reply, NOT like this! You're just like your father! and no one ever makes a big deal about Mother's Day in this house so I assume it's the same for Father's day,too, and my hubby and the kids broke me and then blame me for how I reacted,and when I asked what the newly-minted 21 YR old did for her birthday and if she had a good day my hubby got annoyed but I have to ask because no one ever tells me anything so I can't "win" either way no matter what I do and he says he hates it all I ever do is tell him what needs to be done, picked up, remind him of stuff,etc. but it's my job, my role, to be the organized one, and the other day carrying groceries I also fell up the stairs and hit my shin on the stairs but he just walked right past me and the 27 YR old said I must have a low pain tolerance(which I don't; and I even had natural childbirth!) I just wanted someone to care.
I went to Wal-Mart the other day as well and only a few sheeple were still being maskholes wearing masks but for the most part most of them were getting on with life now and no longer living in fear and paranoia anymore and driving back home we were behind this car that had a bumper sticker that said Honk if you have to POOP and so my hubby did and the driver stuck his arm out the driver side window and waved! We also filled up the lawn mower with gas which used to cost about a dollar and now cost 5$ and I smelled milkweed and wildflowers outside yesterday reminding me of the cottage when I was a kid, bringing back happy childhood memories and I remember my childhood also me feeling me more appeased than loved,and my mother was oddly energetic the other day as well and cooked schnitzel in mushroom cream sauce like she used to do when I was a kid and that sauce( the same like with Stroganov only also with sour cream) was my fave with baked potatoes and it reminded me of it and I baked a couple of potatoes and had that for my lunch. The 27 YR old also had this chicken in the fridge for what I thought was days as I kept seeing it in there and I was going to give it to Buddy rather than throw it out but it turned out that it was a different piece of chicken he put in there each day!
Buddy also has diarrhrea with lots of bright red blood this morning and he saw his friends as well and all the puppies have now been sold and his friends' hooman told me that he's actually a trans man! I never would have guessed! At first I thought he might have been a gay man; he told me not too many people know as he's been assaulted( people can be such assholes) but I feel "honoured" that he'd confide that to me,and he's actually the third trans person I know, although the other 2 are male-to-female, and yesterday I also saw the first Monarch butterfly of the season and I still call those flying black bugs with the blue shiny sheen Mermaid Bugs like the kids used to call them when they were little because I still don't know what they're really called, and a couple of days ago I woke up during the night my big toe on my right foot was tingling and numb, and now non-vaxxed are allowed to fly once again but still have to wear masks during the flight unless eating or my plan is to just make sure that I'm always eating or drinking during the entire flight( there's always a way around it) and take a COVID test prior to returning as well as quarantine for 2 weeks( and be "followed up" by authorities!) upon return, except that I don't plan on returning...
I wanna go so far away I can't get back.-The Trews
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