Thursday, July 14, 2022


It's our turn! The road/street destruction(I mean construction!) has now come to our house! Today they dug this really deep hole in our front  lawn for water pipes(and a few of the neighbours have the same as us, I guess working their way down the street?) and we had our garbage and recycling put out on the curb for pick-up this morning and I noticed it was gone and at first thought someone stole it( even though logically who would steal garbage?)and then noticed a bulldozer( so I thought it was; the 27 YR old corrected me it was an excavator.....well, excuuuuusee meee! and told me I need to watch Bob The Builder more. All I know is it's that thing with a big claw-like bucket at the end that cracks open concrete and scoops up stuff attached to a bending "arm and it can swing around,shown in my photo here.)had scooped it up and just relocated it (along with the neighbours' all along our street) to another spot clearing it so they can work Then they dug the hole and I was amazed at the skill of the guy operating the machine that he didn't swivel it around the wrong way, or too fast, and whack the workers standing next to it, or the wires or trees overhead. It was actually quite fascinatiing to watch. There's a lone female one there,too(with tattooed arms; she's so cool!) but all she does is stands there and holds the SLOW sign towards traffic, and there's one nerdy-looking guy with glasses that looks out-of-place, and looks more like the kind of guy that should be sitting behind a computer or in a science lab! They all smoked as well and I think it must be a job requirement.😄

The hole is sooo deep that a guy was even standing in it! Now that's  a big hole! When they were done they left the hole(to be completed later) but put a bright orange CAUTION! kind of plastic fencing around it so people see it and don't fall in, esp. in the dark at night, and the dancer across the street even got more flowers( her last ones were stolen) 3 more hanging flowers and a few more potted ones. I wonder how long these ones will last? I swear, the dumb rednecks in this hick town steal everything!

Here's the hole, close-up, looking down. It was actually sort of scary looking down seeing how far down it really went and made me shiver a bit, fearing I'd drop my camera down there!(You better believe if I did that I'd go down and get it,too!) They came to our door at the end of the day as well and told us that tomorrow they'll be tearing up the entire road and all driveways on the street will be blocked off and inaccessable so to park on side streets and they did eventually put our garbage and recycling back  at the curb at the end of their day....except the pick-ups were already done for the day,too, and we missed it; it was too late, so now we have to wait until next week when we'll have twice as much garbage!Ewww!!

Look up here, I'm in heaven I've got scars that can't be seen I've got drama, can't be stolen Everybody knows me now.-David Bowie


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