Friday, July 15, 2022

We And Us.

I think something's happening to Buddy I'm just not sure what and I don't feel 'right" today,either, so maybe we're both dying? We also both have diarrhrea and he had blood coming out of his ass as well and my abdomenal, stomach, back, and right-side kidney pain are also soooo bad as well I just want to scream. He also goes pee every few minutes lately I think must be either his kidneys or prostate and now once a week 10 HRS or so after her insulin injection my mother also always does this huge barf so it must be how she reacts to it and she's still nauseated daily so I guess it's just something she has to learn to live with like how I have daily pain. I also forgot I had a Lindor chocolate in my pocket and then when I finally remembered later it had all melted and it looked like I had shit my pants!

The 27 YR old's window A/C also died(even though we do have central air it doesn't go up to the third floor and it's always sooo hot up there; think like in an attic and so those with bedrooms there still need a window A/C) so he had to get a new one and when he did the room temp. went from 42C down to 12C just the way he likes it as he absolutely hates the heat, and yesterday outside I also saw a European Grackle and a gold finch(birds) so maybe they're viisting on vacation and a thought occurred to me as well if guys' dicks were where their noses are then they could f*ck and suck at the same time! Now the Fascist gov't is also urging a 4th Clot-shot COVID vaccine and said they're "coming up with" a 5th( this shit will NEVER end!) and even ones for babies age 6 months up to age 5 years!Won't they ever  STOP  and just give it a break?

I hate taking photos of meinself because of the ugly mug but this one actually turned out half-decent so here you go.I also think I forgot to tell you the other day when I went to the market in the storm on the weekend that there was only one vendor still left selling vegetables; all the others had all packed up early due to the rain so I never got my flowers anyway after all that, and I think my mother's mind is going as well as she can't spell anymore; on the grocery list I noticed she wrote waffuls, spagitti,and panina instead of waffles, spaghetti,and panini and something I read the other day that just made my heart hurt as well: someone said the worst sound they ever heard was their neighbor's kids were in their yard playing with their Dachshund puppy and an eagle swooped down and snatched up the puppy carrying it off to a nearby tree and the sound of the puppy being killed and eaten was the worst thing they'd ever heard. OMG! That just about made me cry!

Today the construction crew is digging up the sidewalk and road right in front of our house and it scared poor Buddy this morning at 7 am(I'm always awke by 6 am so it didn't wake me up) it was so loud and it rumbled and shakes the entire house and it feels like an earthquake and even made some things rattle and fall off shelves! It makes a loud booming sound as well and I just hope they don't knock out our power, Internet, etc. with all their digging!

Here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.-Whitesnake.


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