Sunday, July 3, 2022

Ich Liebe Mein Teckel.

How beautiful is this? Isn't he just the most handsomest boy ever? I just love him! Yesterday I read about a Chihuahua that turned 23 and I can only hope and pray Buddy lives that long( he's 16 now) and Dachshunds can live 18-20 years so he still could have a few more years left and every day I still have with him are a blessing I am thankful and grateful for. Yesterday was such a good day too (despite my hubby complaining he had to take me out somewhere again)I thought if I died at least it would have been a good last day and I would have at least died happy and I also saw someone had a F*ck Trudeau! flag in their window as well which made me laugh and made my day. They are My Brother From Another Mother.My hubby also scoffed I'm "useless" because I wasn't able to get stains off a dish he told me to wash and threw it in the garbage in a rage(I told him to do it himself then if he doesn't like the way I do it!) but I just have to keep reminding myself that he's just an asshole; that's just the way he is and he's not going to change and I just have to try and not let it kill my vibe.

Here are my hubby and the 27 YR old playing a game of chess. Chess is our Family Game. The guy with his head cut off in the photo is the 15 YR old and I didn't purposely cut off his head but the frame was only wide enough to either show my hubby and the 27 YR old but not him or him but not them and since they were the ones playing I decided to have them in the shot.I also couldn't have my Instant Breakfast yesterday morning because we had no milk and didn't get any until later so it ended up being my Instant Dinner instead and the other day when we were running low I saved a serving in a measuring cup in the fridge for the next day and some asshole used it! I also got all sweaty and had baaad indigestion after Buffalo chicken too and it pisses me off as I used to be able to handle hot spice and really enjoy it but now my colon( diverticulitis) and stomach ulcer just can't take the spice anymore.I also used to blast a compressed air horn into the phone if I got obscene phonecalls and if a pervert ever exposes himself to me I'll either say Where is it? or It looks like a dick, only smaller.

My pain is still really baaad so it's this kind of day, and we're having a BBQ today as well, and the neighbour has this really cool kid-size yellow Corvette remote-control car too his toddler( looks about age 2) sits in and he controls with the remote but at first I didn't see him operating the remote and I thought the little kid was driving it and was really impressed how well he could drive and steer, and the Teacher across the street was cutting his grass and I was curious what he'd do with the utility flags on his lawn put there for the construction/destruction that starts tomorrow; if he'd mow around them or pick them up, mow and then put them back....but he just ran right over  them( that's so mean!) and then just to make sure then he backed up over them again! My mother wants to go to the Chinese buffet for her upcoming birthday lunch too and it used to only cost a reasonable 8.95$ each but now  they more than doubled the price to 17.95$ each so for that price they better have twice as much food too!(my hubby says to eat twice as much but you can only eat so much at once) and  calling abortion "healthcare" is also a crock of shit because it certainbly isn't "healthcare" for the baby who gets killed!!

They don't love themselves So they can't love no one else.-Peter Tosh


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