Saturday, July 2, 2022

Indoor Garden/Happy Day.

I was originally going to save this and post it tomorrow but I felt a prompting to do it today and I just feel so happy today(today was a rare good day!) and wanted to share it. In fact, at first the feeling was so strange, so alien to me I wasn't even sure what it was; it had been so long since I felt like this I wasn't even sure what it was or what was happening and then I remembered it and realized it: it was happiness!  I went back to the farmer's market again today hoping to find the vendor that sold the snapdragons I saw last week and wished I had bought then and has been on my heart all week....and not only were they there but also sunflowers,too, the biggest ones I've ever seen, with faces bigger than dinner plates and stems thicker than my fingers! Flowers make me happy! The damn birds also plucked off the last petals off my flowers outside too and I feel so defeated so I guess from now on I'll just have to get cut flowers and have an indoor garden this summer instead, and some f*cker stole  the remaining 4 or so potted flowers the Dancer across the street had, and also her hanging plant as well!

Yesterday my mother also did this huge barf, about 2-3 days worth of stomach contents, after feeling nauseated all day for 2 days, a side-effect of her insuling injection but today is starting to feel better(3 days since she had it) and even "perking" up a bit, less tired and a bit more energetic and she even sat outside, so maybe it's starting to work, and my cousin's Pitbull is due to have her puppies in just another week and yesterday as a brezze went past me I also caught a scent that smelled like my Babushka and of what her house used to smell like....except that she's been dead now for over 15 years...

I also tried the new Grand Big Mac which is larger than the usual and has 2 slices of cheese and my hearty appetite could take it(I just didn't need fries with it) but it was so big it was hard to hold and to eat and it kept slipping apart and oozing out and even with my big mouth I couldn't open my mouth big enough to bite it and had to nibble along like a rodent would, and the new neighbours are moving in the recently sold house today and I wasn't able to get a good enough look at them yet but they must just be renting as they hired a U-Haul so probably don't have enough $$$ to hire professional movers, and my pain is really bad today,too; stomach and abdomen pain that goes up to my chest, bad back pain, and sore left jaw pain that radiates up to my head but only on the one side, dizziness,plus a stabbing pain behind my left eye and the abdomenal pain was so bad it woke me up. I'm all buggered-up!

News flash: If it needs to be “normalized” it’s not normal.- Kevin Sorbo


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