Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Pope And The Putz.

The Pope is now here in Canada, in Edmonton now to be precise(I wonder if my 2 boys in Edmonton will see him?) to make amends to the Indigenous People for horrors they endured in Residential Schools that both the gov't and the Catholic Church were responsible for, although nothing he or anyone can say or do will ever "make up" for the atrocities and injustices done but at least it's a start and an accountability. He also met PM Trudeau(shown here) and I can just imagine him thinking to himself, Why do I even have to meet this dickhead? and He should be asking forgiveness for that haircut and for being such a dickweed! Trudeau is such a hypocrite,too, meeting the Pope, pretending to be such a good Catholic when he's a Fascist dictator, supports abortion , oppresses his own citizens, etc. It was due to the Church's involvement in the Residential Schools in fact( along with the priest child sex abuse scandal and doctrinal issues) that I left the Church.

Sunday at 8:30 pm we also got a tornado warning come thru the radio and it sounded like an Amber Alert and it told us to take immediate shelter and there actually was at least one confirmed totnado in a nearby town and we had a big storm which scared Buddy with the lightening and he snuggled up in bed as close as he could next to me we were practically welded together and we both fell asleep that way( we got the storm at 10 pm) and so much rain that the big puddle came back in front of our house again but after the warm and sun yesterday now it's almost all dried up again and today the construction guys shut off our water so my hubby was late having his shower and I had my bath ok but the water was all rusty and brown! It didn't affect our drinking/cooking water though as we have a whole separate Culligan water filter system.The WHO has also now declared Monkey Pox a global emergency(I "called" it!) now COVID has passed they need something new to scare people into compliance using fear to control the masses/sheeple, and it's ironic too gays fought so hard to get the right to marry and yet nowadays most people(esp. young people) don't even get married anymore; they just live together.

My hubby also has this weird rash thing on the tops of both feet and up his lower legs but it's more of a tan/ tea-colour, not red and it doesn't itch, and the 15 YR old's still doing his schoolwork as he hasn't finished it yet, so no summer vacation for him and my hubby snarks The only one complaining is YOU! as if I don't count or matter, but it's also his fault too for only checking/marking his work once a week, and I think he needs a break though or he'll burn out, but no one ever cares what I think, and my cousin(who has been happily married for 52 YRS!) asked me why I stay and I told her I don't have anywhere to go, and I find it hard to believe as well that I would willingly incarnate into this life/body/family knowing ahead of time what it would be like, and my friend D( from grade 6) sold his Toronto house for 1 million 599K$  and yesterday I suntanned for 2 1/2 HRS and didn't even break a sweat until 2 HRS so I wonder if my body's internal thermometer isn't working?

Going down the city sidewalk alone in the crowd No one knows the lonely one whose head's in the clouds.-Heart


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...