Friday, August 5, 2022

So Far.

So far with the road construction they shut down the fire hysrant in front of our house(shown here before the shut down) pissing-off Buddy as that's his fave. pee spot and doggy "social media" and I worry if there's a fire what do we do for water and they also dug up near our place again  doing something with the water pipes and put a bunch of stuff on our lawn( see the photos I took here) and you can see here the sole female worker standing holding the sign and I talk to her every now and then(she's so cool!) and all of them have such great suntans too from working out in the sun all day( even better than mine!)and yesterday they again moved our garbage and reclycling we had put out on the curb for pick-up to the corner but forgot to return the empties after! Yesterday morning and this morning I was also woken up by a splitting massive throbbing headache and I had such a bong sesh to ease the pain that my ears were ringing, my eyes felt all droopy and saggy like a Basset Hound, my throat felt swollen and sore, I couldn't feel the left side of my face and I could "see" sparkly, glittery rainbows! 😂

I also had this weird fantastical dream the other night I found this secret hidden wing of our house where all the rooms were green jade; all the walls, floors, ceilings and furnitures, and the first thing I said to myself was, Wait until the kids see this! and laying on one of the beds I found beautiful baby girls' dresses in the finest satin, brocade and velvet, around sizes 1-2 and I was under the impression it was for the second-youngest, and I also realized that out of my 55 years so far of life I've only had love for 19 YRS between the 8 YRS I've had Buddy (and I was sure that last summer would be our last since he's 16 now and I'm so grateful that we got to have this summer together; it feels like a "bonus") and when the kids were younger and even though I'm thankful for what I did have it still feels like I got "cheated" 36 YRS out of my life I didn't have any love, and I also heard Elon Musk's father say he's NOT proud of him,either, despite all his accomplishments and the guy's a genius! I think the father just sounds like an asshole.

My iPod also said it was almost out of internal storage and all I knew is stuff had to be deleted but not how to actually do it so the 15 YR old did it for me and today is a local Ribfest so my mother and the 27 YR old are all excited( he even took the day off work for it!) and my hubby got this new mosquito repellent that runs on batteries and has a little pad thing you put in and it emits a mist/steam and keeps them away and it actually works and I heard mice actually in the back of the fridge inside, where the wires are, and the other day I had to pop less popcorn than I usually do as we're running low on kernels but it worked out because that way I ended up with more butter, and the neighbours next-door to Mr.Sunflower have these sheer curtains on their porch(I assume for shade) and they sway in the breeze and for some reason I enjoy watching them and find it very peaceful, relaxing, soothing and calming.

Here if you look closely you can see a guy assembling a big water pipe and he's doing it piece by piece and I thought that assembling IKEA furniture was hard!I also posted a photo of a round orange wicker chair on this blog a few days ago and since then I keep getting ads for similar ones on my computer, making me feel like I'm being monitored and it's creepy, and an American got 9 years jail sentence in Russia for bringing cannabis oil into the country and while it seems excessive you also have to remember that bringing drugs into another country is always a bad idea( my cousin got jail time too for drug smuggling) even if it's legal in your country and even if you have a medical prescription for it that doesn't mean shit in another country and when I went to Cuba and Jamaica I never brought my medical marijuana; I wouldn't risk it; in Cuba I just went without for a week and in Jamaica I just bought some there. 

I was thinking of old times as well and I laugh still remembering in grade 7 there was this ugly fat singing canary in my French book and for a laugh I wrote Mrs. D (my music teacher) beneath it; she was neither fat or ugly but she was my music teacher and the bird was singing so in my adolescent mind it was funny and my friends laughed at the joke but the teacher saw it and how was I to know that Mrs. D happened to be her best friend and she didn't think it was so funny and in grade 8 my friend I and I were swearing in a foreign language( because no one would understand us, right?) and there's no way the teacher would know what we were saying, esp. as she had an Anglo-Saxon name....but as it turned out that was actually her husband's name and her first name was Astrid...uh,oh... and one day after class she told us, You know, I understand what you guys are saying! Ooops!

I don't have to be perfect anymore for someone who doesn't love me.-Laura Burrell.


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