Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Back To School.

Yesterday school went back and I just found out that the 15 YR old only did half of his homeschool lessons from last  year( now he's in highschool and it's all online it's too complicated for me so my hubby supervises it now) as his assignments were too "much" for him and it was overwhelming and he was burning now the assignments have been made "smaller"; less assignments per day spread out more as a good thing about homeschooling is that it's flexible like that so this year he's not starting the new grade like he normally would be( and he had to work thru the summer as well) but continuing last year's until he's done and then just continuing from last year into this year's work. I've been telling my hubby forever that he was burning out but of course no one ever listens to me. He's really smart but he's still a kid and still needs to be a kid and have time to be a kid and to relax and to just have fun and not just study all the time. I also found out the 23 YR old was taking violin lessons and I used to play violin back in the day,too, and she's always been the one that has the same most in common interests as me, and she had a week-long migraine as well she also "inherited" from me, poor thing( sorry about that!) and my longest was 33 days straight and migraines are just brutal( the only thing more painful is childbirth!) and I wouldn't wish them on anybody except for maybe Trudeau.

My hubby also used the last clean towel again this morning for his shower leaving me with no towel but luckily I always have an "emergency" towel saved for such an occassion but if he was a gentleman and considerate he'd leave a towel for his wife but he's not, and he saw his doctor yesterday and passed his bloodwork for diabetes and cholesteral; his diet worked and unlike my mother he's followed his religiously (I'm impressed, actually) and even lost 12 pounds; a bonus, and my mother got stung by a wasp twice as well and the new Beverly Lewis book came out yesterday I'll have to order, and the 21 YR old is now in Edmonton visiting 2 of her brothers and they think the CNE also broke an attendence record and I could never understand the sense either standing and waiting in line for 1-2 hours just to go on a ride that lasts for 2 minutes.

This is also what the damn mice did to the paper towel on the kitchen counter( we used to have it hanging up but the thingy broke so now it sits on the counter) so I know they must have a nest somewhere in the house now, and I'm already seeing count-downs to Christmas ! Nooooo! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Enough! I'm still not ready to let go of summer yet! It's too soon! Nevermind fall, let alone winter! Buddy was also laying in my lap and left a fudge-smudge/skid mark on my leg and shorts and yesterday my abdomenal pain was soooo bad it felt like a white-hot stabbing pain and I almost passed-out and I know I shoulod probably take my stupid ass to the hospital but I'm NOT going to sit and wait some 6-8 HRS in the ER only to have them tell me it's probably just my diverticulitis acting-up and send me home so I just wait it out."Tank" would also be the perfect nick-name for me too as I'm big, large and you can hear me coming; the ground rumbles and shakes, and it's been so cool lately( 15 C) with no sun I now have to wear a sweater and cover up with a blanket when I sit outside and last week they never picked up our recycling(in case you were wondering we have 6 recycling bins and 3 garbage cans) either so this week we're really over-full so I hope they pick it up tomorrow...

“I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance.” — Jon Stewart


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...