Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Real Me.

The Real Me

I went back to the doctorTo get another shrinkI sit and tell him 'bout my weekendBut he never betrays what he thinks
Can you see the real me, doctor?DoctorCan you see the real me, doctor?Doctor
I went back to my motherI said, "I'm crazy, ma, help me"She said, "I know how it feels, son'Cause it runs in the family"
Can you see the real me, mama?MamaCan you see the real me, mama?Mama
Can you see?Can you see the real me?Can you see?Can you see the real me?The real me, the real me
The cracks between the paving stonesLike rivers of flowing veinsStrange people who know mePeeping from behind every window pane
The girl I used to loveLives in this yellow houseYesterday she passed me byShe doesn't wanna know me now
Can you see the real me?Can ya?Can ya?Can you see the real me?Can ya?
I ended up with a preacherFull of lies and hateI seemed to scare him a littleSo he showed me to the golden gate
Can you see the real me, preacher?Preacher?Can you see the real me, preacher?
Can you see?Can you see?Can you see?
Can you see the real me, doctor?Can you see the real me, mother?Can you see the real me?


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