Friday, November 25, 2022

A Very Hairy Christmas.

Like Weird Al I've always liked to parody songs, such as Queen's Another One Bites The Dust I re-do as Another One Sucks The Bag, and Helix' Rock You asF*ck You, and John Mellencamp's In The USA as F.U.C.K In The USA,for example, etc, usually rude, but not always and I do the same with Christmas songs, and a few examples are here:

 Part of Feliz Navidad by Jose Felicianio:
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.

....and now my version:

Police nabbed my dad
Police nabbed my dad
Now he's in jail
and I'm so sad.

Jingle Bells: (I don't know who wrote it):
My version:

Dashing thru the store
with an open shopping bag
grabbing all we need
poverty's a drag
security all watch us
but we all watch them too
and there are more and more of us
and less and less of them
Jingle bells.

It's Beginng To Look Alot Like Christmas:

It's Beginning to Cost Alot Like Christmas

Happy Holiday by Andy Williams: part goes:

...So leave a peppermint stick for 'ol Saint Nick
so whoop-de-do and dickory dock
and don't forget to hang up your sock

now mine: don't forget to suck my dick, 
so whoop-de-do and dickory dock
and don't forget to suck my cock

and the Little Drummer Boy:

Pa rum pum pum pum
me and my drum


Pa rum pum pum pum
kiss my bum.

I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'll Be Stoned For Christmas 

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
I Saw Mommy F*cking Santa Claus 

Have Yourself A Very Merry Christmas
Have Yourself a Hairy Little Christmas

...and make the yuletide gay....
....and make the yuletide LGBT.....

I bet now you'll never see Christmas songs the same way ever again, will ya?😂

People will push you away & say you gave up on them.-Introvert


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