Sunday, November 20, 2022


Yesterday I found out that there's actually an official name  for my creaking groaning knees and back: crepitus. I just love that word; it just sounds so perfect  and is now my new fave. word and the 28 YR old says it sounds like the name of an evil wizard( but only if he's old and has arthritis and creaking joints and bones) and my pain's so bad today( stomach and abdomen that I got sweaty and felt like I was going to pass out) and he also said that if life was a game of chess that he'd be God's fave. piece and he has to dress really high-end and classy for work to impress his wealthy clients too as it gives them a false sense of security thinking that well-dressed people are somehow "less" likely to steal from them as opposed to people dressed more "sloppily" and not as likely to follow them around or hover over them as they're trying to do their work( or have a servant do it) crowding them, but to let them be, even leaving them alone in their bedrooms where they have their Rolex collection. I just think that's really sad though, judging by appearance like that, and you can't always tell just by looking;  the well-dressed guy could be the guy that robs you and the "slob" is the honest man that finds $$$ and returns it. My hubby  is also the Smart One but I actually knew something that he didn't; I knew that champagne is a wine and he didn't know  it was or think it was, so maybe I'm NOT really as dumb as everyone always gives me credit for,afterall? I also posted photos of some of the kids on my Facebook  and a friend commented that only one( the 23 YR old) was smiling and I wonder if it's because she's the only one with Invisilign (and has nice teeth) or does it mean that she's the only one that's happy? That thought just makes me sad to think.

I also wrote to get some stollen( shown here) on the list for my hubby to pick up ( marzipan-filled stollen to be exact) and, of course, he had no idea what it even was but figured some 'weird" bakery thing so he went to the bakery aisle and found marzipan and figured, Oh, this must be it... and it said marzipan paste  so he looked at the list again and it didn't say paste  and it also said stollen so he knew that wasn't right( bonus point for him!) so he looked on his phone for a photo of what stollen was; (a German fruitcake eaten at Christmas)and did the smart thing and got someone who worked there and asked them and found it, and extra points for him, too, because it can be hard to find  the marzipan ones! I had it growing up as well as the Advent calendar and now they're taken off in popular culture but not back in the 70's when I was a kid; it was pretty well unheard of outside of Europe so I had to go to the European deli to get mine and it was imported from Germany. I looked forward to it every year and knowing that I was one of only a few kids in Toronto that had one made it feel even more special. I also realized that the hardest thing I've ever had to do is letting the 19 YR old go; for the past 5 YRS or so she's shut me out of her life and hates me and we used to be so close it broke my heart and just shattered me. It's taken me this long but I think I've finally healed and been able to let her go. Now I finally know and accept that she's gone and I won't ever be getting her back again, at least not the way she(and it between us) was before.I've finally been able to feel like I detached and moved on in healing from the person I once loved the most that ended up hurting me the most.

I told my hubby as well to take the 15 YR old to get new boots as he outgrew his old ones( and we got lots of snow!) but he said they're "too expensive" and he'll wait until they go on sale and in the meantime he can wear his boots and he'll just wear his shoes( and he's driving,anyway) and I said just go to Wal-Mart and get him some boots there so they did and they only had 3 pair and it's a size too big but he can wear extra socks and it should still fit next year. I also noticed my hubby had a ghost toy hanging in his office and he knows how I feel about anything occult and how uncomfortable it makes me feel and I draw the line at having anyhting occult in the house but he shrugged, It's a friendly ghost...(totally dismissing my concerns of not wanting to open a door to the demonic) so I told him Well, I guess I can smoke weed inside now then;too; I only smoke it outside because I know it makes YOU uncomfortable but you know anything occult makes me feel uncomfortable,too, and yet you still do.... and then he just roughly grabbed the thing and tossed it at me snarling, Just take  the stupid thing and get out of here! Get LOST! GO! GO GO! Get OUT of here! (so I just threw it out in the garbage, not wanting anything with bad juju in the house) and I told him he can't just "dismiss me like a dog like that!" and gave him the Up Yours!  and left.I'd much rather prefer  to smoke indoors to tell you the truth, esp. in winter, rather than freeze out there in the cold, snow,and biting wind but I'm considerate  because I know he hates the smell but if he's not going to respect me then why should  care?

You don't need a ticket to fly with me, I'm free, yeah.-Ozzy Osbourne


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