Monday, November 21, 2022


My hubby told me that he thinks he found the perfect gift for me, either anniversary, Christmas, or birthday( all coming up in the next 1-2 months); a set of 4 paintings of sunflowers and he sent me the link to show me and it was nice except it was the sunflowers that had the yellow centre and I like the ones with the black centres(and the yellow petals; there are many different types of sunflowers just so you know) so he told me instead to take a look at the site and pick out ones that I do like so last night I spent over an hour or so and I picked out these 4 pictured here that I like that are generally 20x20 in size which means nothing to me as I simply can't envision measurements but he said it was like 2 times the size of my computer monitor so that's big! I told him any of these will be fine; whichever he can find, is in stock, is the best value and he can find. I already got his anniversary and Christmas presents; Spider-Man related of course.....what else? It's hard to believe that these are actually paintings too ( oil on canvas apparantly) they look so good, so real, they look like photographs!

The 28 YR old also got a fancy new clothesrack and not just a plain 'ol boring metal one,either; he's really moving on up, and much better than just leaving his clothes on a pile on the floor like he used to, and now he even irons,too, and he mightt have also "inherited" my bad luck as well: he somehow managed to lose 2 of his ID( his health card and some other ID) even though I always tell him to keep it somewhere safe, like in his wallet(like how I keep all our documents in a safe) so he went down to the gov't offices to re-apply,telling them that he "never received them" because if he said that he lost them he'd have to fill out all kinds of paperwork but this way they have to, not him,and then after that the ATM ate his bank card,too, so he also needs to get a new one of those.....which he can't get without ID! I also noticed as well I still look much darker than usual and thought I must still have my tan from summer even though I don't normally still in November and then realized it's not but I'm jaundiced instead, so it must be my liver acting-up again and that could be causing my baaad stomach pain( still at my "breaking" point again today,too, and it keeps me awake and wakes me up and I get all sweaty and dizzy with pain and almost pass out it's so bad and even weed just takes the "edge" off) and the education strike got settled only without the gov't "caving" in to all the union's demands so I wonder how they managed that but I'm glad as that means the 15 YR old still gets his track & field( which is at the school) and Trudeau has also been exposed as allowing Chinese gov't "interference" in the recent elections here which would also explain how he got re-elected because no one in their right mind would vote for that dickhead again! I wasn't even stupid enough to vote for him the first time! I'd never vote Liberal!

Hey, hey, have I lost my mind? Killing myself but I never die.-Ozzy Osbourne


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Is This Goodbye?

I had to post this now as it can't wait until tomorrow because there might not even be a tomorrow. Buddy had a biiiiig Clonic-Tonic seiz...