Thursday, November 17, 2022

Le Sapin.

Yesterday I decorated our Christmas tree, seen here. last year I did a white and silver theme and this year I did a silver, gold, and white theme( and next year I plan on doing an all-white theme). The kids used to decorate before and always put up all these tacky ornaments that didn't match but now it's my turn and my mother looked at it and criticized in disapproval, It's silver and gold? and I told her, ...and white; white, silver and gold but I like it and think it turned out nice; it brings me joy and makes me feel happy and accomplished that I created something so beautiful; it's my design and decoration; I actually made this, and that's just the way she is; she's just always been critical and disapproving and nothing I do is ever good enough for her. The 28 YR old also went on a shopping spree yesterday at the only high-end menswear store in town and dropped a few hundred$$$$ and it really concerns me; where is all this $$$$ coming from? he makes just above minumun wage cleaning chandeliers and yet he has all this $$$? It makes me wonder what he really actually does( is cleaning chandeliers just a 'front?") or does he have some sort of "side hustle" going, or what? I just hope he's not stealing from the wealthy clients or something; that thought just makes me feel sick to my stomach.I just hope he's careful with whatever he might be doing and isn't in over his head...

If you click on the photo and look closely you can see the freshly-fallen snow out the window on the evergreen trees(most of it melted now but it was just our first snowfall, not our last) which I think gives it an even more Christmas-y festive feel, Last night my hubby and I were fighting over the TV remote again( he kept putting it loud so I could hear the redneck sports when he could have just kept it lower so just he  could hear it knowing I don't want to hear it so I would turn it down and he'd keep blasting it up louder and I'd keep turning it down and so back and forth it went...) and then he just turned it off and disabled  the TV so I couldn't watch it at all, to "punish" me(which didn't work,anyway, as I just watched it online; I'm NOT letting him control me or ruin things for me) which I think is abusive as he's trying to control me, just like my mother said my father did to her when they were together; he'd disabled the phone so she couldn't use it. Between my father and my hubby they have taught me that most men are lying, cheating, abusive alcoholics that can't be trusted  that abandon you. My hubby also almost wasn't going to get my snack the other day too even though he got his and my mother's but I was prepared to just order it online for delivery instead, again not letting him get away with this shit.

They also determined that that "stray" missile that crossed the border and hit Poland wasn't from Russia afterall liked they originally blamed( yeah.....always blame the Russians!) almost triggering a NATO invasion as a response( even if it was an accident) but actually from Ukraine so now the whole narrative changes and nbow it's like oh, well, it was just a mistake, no hard feelings; it's ok, but if it had  been from Russia it could have triggered WWIII; it doesn't matter what you do; it who you's all such bullshit and Russia did warn earlier that Ukraine was going to pull some stunt like this and set them up but no one listened. Now the gov't also withdrew legislation ordering a contract on the education workers and deeming their strike illegal they went back to negotiations but the union still is greedy and won't budge or compromise and now they're going back on strike on Monday again unless they get everything they want, so I guess the gov't has to legislate them back to work again,too......everyone is such a selfish greedy asshole, and I heard Taylor Swift concert tickets cost as much as 9K too and they couldn't even pay me 9K to go ; Pussy-Pop like that I'd rather cut my ears off!

All things must pass.-George Harrison


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