Friday, March 24, 2023

Understanding Autism.

I found this on Quora:

  1. Cannot read people. I don't understand when people are lying to me or openly mocking me, even if I've known them for years. I also tend not to lie, either. I don't generally know how to read people or read the room, which often results in me saying dumb or rude things that I will need hours or even weeks to process to realize what has happened. Sticking a foot in my mouth is a typical pastime for me. One wonders how I still have friends, yet, amazingly, I do.
  2. My dreams are multidimensional: colors, smells, temperature, pain, texture, pressure, vertigo/balance, anything there is in real life. Sometimes I see “prophetic” dreams about certain places I will eventually visit someday; in other words, I sometimes visit places (for the first time) that I realize I have already seen in my dream before. I don't understand what the fucking point is; why aren't they lottery numbers or something??
  3. My body is extremely sensitive and produces orgasms at the flick of the wrist (sometimes literally). The flip side is extreme sensitivity to cold, plus childbirth that is just torture head to toe. If there is a single loose thread or a hair somewhere underneath my clothes, my body will detect it and turn the dial up until I find it and get rid of it. (I once had my jaw wired shut after a jaw surgery and a cat hair got inside and stuck somewhere on the wires. I couldn't get it out for days. That. Was. Pure. Hell.) I also notice very, very subtle color and tone differences. Smooth surfaces calm me down. I brought a bunch of sleek stones from a beach in Pathos to touch when I'm restless or upset.
  4. Shutdowns. I used to think I was chronically depressed. After being diagnosed with being in the Spectrum and monitoring my mental health a little, I realized I was just getting regular shutdowns when my system would get overloaded. Even specialists can confuse autistic shutdowns for depression; fortunately for me, the treatment in my personal case is mostly the same.
  5. Lexical intuition. I make a lot of textual and situational connections in my mind, grabbing random words and phrases and finding what to connect them to. Thinking out of the box happens frequently. You'd think I would use it academically and “for greater good", but oh no, this mostly means I remember thousands of relevant jokes for every context. I'm fascinated with other people doing that well, so I did my Master's thesis on similes. Intuitive grasp of grammar and morphology (up to a certain point) allows me to learn languages easier than many other people. Learning languages is a hobby, a form of entertainment for me. In general, seeing the system or the structure behind the working of things, organizing and systematizing, comes naturally to me.
  6. Robotic. I become an emotionless robot when I'm tired. Constant background noise wears me down without me noticing it; I only notice when I explode.
  7. Cluelessness about social conventions. I don't understand many social conventions. Sometimes I'm blind and deaf to them. This results in me not agreeing with the society dumping e.g. gender or cultural norms upon me, because I tend to look at things logically and objectively, i.e. what harm they factually and realistically cause, instead of how they have always been treated culturally (seriously, I'm not going to die because someone saw me having a period accident, oh boy, the tragedy). This can lead to oversharing; I just don't see what the big deal about oversharing is. “Joining the club" or”jumping the bandwagon" is often not a thing; I often derive pleasure in openly defying norms and conventions. They make the yummy crisp cracking sound of the caramel on top of crème-brûlée when they crumble. In the recent years, I've developed a nice superpower where I cannot be offended by strangers, because I no longer understand/see the point of an insult. (People close to me still get to me, of course.)
  8. Always online. I cannot switch my mind off. It always has to do something. Most recently, I've been trying to shut it down with sleeping pills because it just won't stop playing with images and ideas.
  9. I take things literally. Sometimes even when I see that I shouldn't take them literally.
  10. Rule rigidity. I'm stubborn about the rules that I expect to be followed (e.g. grammar rules). Logic is my religion (to a fault). I also often invent my own rules and get upset when people don't follow them. People not following basic logic winds me up. I'm painstakingly fastidious (often extremely annoyingly so) about little details.

It is a funny little list here; I can see that many things are interrelated in it and could be joined, simplified, or re-arranged in a more logical pattern. Unfortunately, we're currently observing an occurrence known as “an Aspie ruined by long-term sleep deprivation". My ability to construct a smoothly flowing and clearly defined list or text is currently malfunctioning (along with many others).


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