Sunday, April 9, 2023

I Can So Relate To This!

I got this off Quora:


It does happen. I’m 55, and what I am finding is that I sometimes just feel emotionally worn out. Tired of challenges and struggles. I used to be energized by challenges, and I just am not anymore.

Sometimes I can feel some inspiration if I think of things I’d still like to do… traveling, for example. But where I used to see a future ahead where that might be possible, I don’t anymore and it slows down my motivation. I used to see all kinds of possibilities out there, and it just seems the road ahead is visible, and it is like a desert. That really kills enthusiasm.

I’m more focused on just trying to make the most of the moment. Often more about sitting still and drinking in nature deeply.

I know other people my age and older, and some of them still have a lot of drive in life. They have plans to go places and do things. But in all those cases, they are partnered, and are financially secure. I don’t know how much that plays into it, but there seems to be a correlation. Maybe having a partner, they encourage each other…. or maybe the financial abundance opens up the possibilities they can see ahead. Those people seem to be energetically embracing life, even in their 70’s.

But for me, being alone and working hard to survive day to day, I hate the idea that I might still be here in my 70’s! Damn… 20 more years of fighting fatigue, living in this crappy apartment, running from one job to another, and only looking forward to the moment my head will hit the pillow and I can dream?

I don’t think I’ll have the energy to go that long. And frankly, it just seems stupid to want to. I don’t see the logic, of fighting to survive, just to survive longer.

This doesn’t hit everyone at the same age, and might be linked to your situation.

(ETA- re-reading this, I guess it could sound like I am depressed. I’m not. I am just tired and uninspired!)


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