It always made me laugh that the Russian word for fox is lisa because in English it's a girl's name and as well in English the word vixen can mean a female fox but also a sexy but cunning woman. It's funny how foxes are compared to women! HA! I also remember a few years ago I actually saw a red fox( similar to the one shown here) across the street only it was really skinny and looked like it was starving. We also have coyotes and of course the usual raccoons and stuff but being out in the country coming across various wildlife isn't unusual. This morning I also got the last clean towel, a bonus being the first one up and when my hubby comes back from the laundry mat he has all the laundry all neatly rolled up in the laundry basket (I took out my grey shirt and my mother said to make sure it was mine and not someone else's but I can tell as mine has the big rip under the right arm)and it looks so professional I joke we should hire him out as a professional laundry service as a side-hustle and make some extra $$$! It was funny yesterday as well: the 28 YR old walks into the kitchen and goes, I like the new dryer; it looks exactly like the old one!" That's because it is the old one; the new one doesn't get delivered until Wednesday!
Yesterday was also our last fast( for Good Friday) and I pretty much just ate unleavened bread (pretty appropriate, don't you think; The Last Supper/ Passover/Jesus) and tonight is our Easter Feaster dinner, normally tomorrow but the guys are going out and this year for some reason Lent seemed to go by much "faster" than usual and Easter just seemed to "sneak" up on us, and when I really think about it, Jesus telling His disciples to eat my flesh and drink my blood...kind of sounds satanic and yesterday the only thing that was open( everything was closed for the holiday) was the local cinema so my hubby and the boys went and saw the new SuperMario movie and the 28 YR old thought it was dumb and didn't like it and said it "was for 8 year olds" which is exactly why my hubby liked it so much( he even got a special Mario drinking cup!) because it was so childish and jeuvenile and the 16 YR old liked it, but the 28 YR old did like the Dungeons & Dragons movie.
It's also supposed to be 19C and 20C for a few days later in the upcoming week so not only will I be able to be outside but also to start my suntan, on purpose, and I heard this word I never heard of before, too; duffer, I don't even know if that's a real word, and will someone also please tell me what the f*ck a vanderplump is, and my hubby said the original car rental place was "underground" and "sketchy" too; they were a friend of the tow truck guy and it was a small hidden hole-in-the-wall in some back alley and just a small office that gave off bad vibes and no visible cars on the lot, etc. and I bet they were stolen and just rented out to unsuspecting customers but the second place Enterprise where he got the latest rental was nice and professional and "showy" and had a secretary and cars on display and it was a glaring difference, and when I told my mother my friend V( from grade 6) got her forklift license she asked Is she a dyke? and I told her, No! Actually, she's quite the 'Girly Girl' and she has 4 kids and even recently had a face-lift. I posted her photo below. See for yourself! I saw a funny thing online as well: a dog named Phil and the other dog was laying on him using him as a pillow and their hooman referred to him as a Phillow and to me that was just the funniest thing ever for some reason.
I'm still runnin' against the wind
I'm older now but still runnin' against the wind.-Bob Seger
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