Monday, May 15, 2023

Bits & Pieces.

Not too much here, and Mother's Day has come and gone and only 2 of the kids even bothered to wish me and the 16 YR old( who lives here) didn't even say Happy Mother's Day, and, in fact, he was in the kitchen and I went in to get some food and he scoffed, If you're in here, then BYE!! and stalked out! He can't even be nice to me on Mother's Day and really though, how hard is it really for the others(only the oldest and 28 YR old acknowledged it and there's a reason I like those 2 extra; they're the only ones that are nice to me) to take a couple of minutes to mail me or e-mail me a card? They treat me like this and then wonder why I hate my toxic family,and it hurts the most about the 20 YR old because we used to be really close and she used to love me and I didn't even hear from her,either. I solved the dilemma about the stupid banana dog though; I d thought it was tacky and didn't know what to do with it but the 28 YR old *really* likes it; he thinks it's really cool and awesome so I just gave it to him and now he's really happy so I gave it to someone that will really enjoy it but I feel guilty and badly for NOT liking it; I don't want to be an ingrate yet on the other hand I also can't help what I like and what I don't, but I feel badly that I can't even force myself to like it, but at least it ended well because he's happy with it.

My hubby also took cold meds for his cold( he doesn't usually since he reacts oddly to them but he was so congested he couldn't breathe) and he was so out of it, it was hilarious; you would have thought he was stoned! (I would love to see how he would be high if he smoked weed!) he couldn't figure out how to cook ramen noodles( simple: just boil in water for 3 minutes) and needed someone to do it for him and he was looking for toast in the salt shaker! HA! It reminds me of that time I was so high it took me 2 hours to figure out how to cook Kraft Dinner ,something I've cooked hundreds of times and normally just takes 10 minutes! My mother also had an ice cream sandwich yesterday and only stuck to her diabetic diet for 2 weeks too before she started cheating again.She also has to have prescription vitamin D from her doctor whereas I just get mine free  from being outside in the sun several hours a day! I also made up for a joke Bruce Springsteen's song Born In The USA as Porn In The USA.

I just loooove this adorable photo I took of My Boy the other day.He is my Heart-Dog. I've never loved anyone as much as I love him and no one has ever loved me as much as he does,either. He is the best gift God has ever given me and he is my whole life, my world, my everything. The worst thing about being ugly too is people often think I'm either a trans woman or a man when really I'm actually a real biological woman, just an ugly masculine-looking one, and maybe the reason  my hubby hasn't f*cked me since I was prego with the youngest is simply just because it's for reproduction and we're done having kids, and not necessarily because I'm old and fat now esp. since he is,too, and he's gained easily 60 pounds since he was in his 20's too and he's grey( and balding!) and not so good-looking himself,either, so what can he really say about me?

. I don’t see the logic, of fighting to survive, just to survive longer.-Leah on Quora


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