Sunday, May 14, 2023


Since my most recent post earlier this morning the 28 YR old gave me these nice flowers and a bag of weed for Mother's Day and the oldest sent me a card( shown below) in an e-mail as well as a photo of how smoky it is in Edmonton from the nearby wildfires and he said it's really hard to breathe and their eyes are watery and sore as well. I just hope it doesn't come too close! The Alberta wildfires are just like in California! My hubby said that stupid banana dog thing was also supposed to be my gift from Buddy and he thought that I would either "really love it or really hate it". Well, I definitely don't "love" it. I guess I'll just have to hide it somewhere like I did with that tacky wicker dog thing the 23 YR old got me one year for Christmas that looks like an ugly poodle.

Here's the funny card the oldest sent and out of 11 kids only 2 even bothered for Mother's Day (but it says more about them and the kind of people they are than it says about me) and it reminds me of that story of when Jesus healed the 10 lepers and only one bothered to thank Him and He said Were there not ten? Where are the other nine? My kids are like those ungrateful, thankless lepers. No wonder the oldest and the 28 YR olds have always been the ones I've always liked "extra"; they're the only ones that treat me nice.
The others can suck it.

Now my hubby also has the cold the 16 YR old has and he even has laryngitis as well(I remember I had it for a whole week as a teen) and the 28 YR old and my mother are sneezing too so they're likely coming down with it as well and instead of ordering KFC I got spinach feta cheesy bread from Dominos since KFC no longer has the spicy flatbread I like and the last time I had their sandwich there was a membrane in there.

Everybody makes mistakes - it’s not the size of the mistake it’s the size of the outcome.-Bobbimarie Fields


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