Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Yesterday I was all set to go visit my mother(wearing my Che Guevara shirt I got in Cuba) and I even told her in the morning when I phoned her( and during that call she asked me When are you going to call me today? and I told her, I am just calling you right now! and she goes, Oh, yeah...) I was coming to see her later after my hubby finished work,  then later  on she called me and cancelled on me and told me NOT to come as she "wanted to sleep". OK, then, screw her; if she's going to be like that then forget it. We don't have much to say anyway and it's really awkward and I just sit there with her,anyway. She also said now she thinks her nausea is due to "eating too 'much'" even though she only eats her 3 meals a day they give her and she said now she'll "only eat half as much" and I reminded her if she doesn't eat enough it also causes nausea,too, and being diabetic she has to eat more, not less, and if her glucose is low from not eating enough she'll also be nauseated. It's also sooo hot and humid all this week too we have an extreme heat warning and it's going to 30 C to 32 C with a humidex of 40 C or higher.

Tioday or tomorrow my doctor also calls with my CT scan results and I wonder if maybe my stomach pain and indigestion is I have a hernia? One of my cousins in Europe has a hiatus hernia and her mother did as well so there might be some genetic link, and that could  also explain my stomach pain (or maybe I have the ulcer again?)but I've been taking Omerprazole (for my stomach ulcer and stomach acid) daily for years now so I really shouldn't be having the baaad heartburn I do and here I am 56 years old with my autism and no friends but my dog(and my online friends) and even Facebook must know my life is shit because yesterday I got a concerned message about a "suicide risk" and this year even Mr. Sunflower looks like he only has 1-2 plants so I guess the critters have eaten his too and my brother-in-law's ex-wife said they've been eating all her veggies in her garden as well and she's had to enclose them with chicken wire, and I heard someone on the radio today their name is actually Sativa which is a strain of weed!!

Yesterday on Quora someone also posted a photo of their big gigantic dick( which is unusual for that site) and I was surprised and the rational part of my brain said, Oh! That's NOT appropriate! Scroll past it quickly and don't look!! but I was just mesmerized by it, the sheer size of it and I just couldn't stop looking; I was spellbound, eyes bugging out and mouth gaping open; it was magnificent, holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen one so long!! I swear to God, it must have gone down to his knees!! As for my trip, everything inside me screams GO TO INDIA!! as that's the place I really want to go to and have always wanted to go to,been drawn to, and felt a connection with,and maybe it'll even be a spiritual experience for me, and it was bad enough before the nightly news on the weekend they had those sappy Hallmark movies on just before so when I switch over that's what's on( I just mute it) but now it's even worse; now they have The Bachelor( which is basically horny whores in heat competing to get laid!) and I'd rather look directly into a solar eclipse and burn my retinas out than watch that crap!

I believe it's time for me to fly.-REO Speedwagon


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Wordless Wednesday.