Monday, July 10, 2023


Here are some Day Lilies from our garden. That's all we have this year. Normally we get alot more but now the Black Walnut tree has gotten so big it shades over where the lilies are so they hardly get much sun anymore and aren't able to grow like they used to. Damn Black Walnut tree; it's hogging up all the sunlight! Today is also the Family Meeting regarding my mother and her care and she said she's  "concerned" too and her nausea and headache is back as well(and she didn't sleep much last night) so I'm sure it must be anxiety, worry,and stress, and her new room-mate's name is "Olga" but she gets confused and calls her Oka  or  Ola and if and when I ever have grandkids I'd want them to call me Oma or Baba but knowing my kids they'll probably tell them to call me Swamp Witch or something and I figure to best try and survive to just try and live in the moment and take one day at a time and just try to get thru each day as it comes and try NOT to think( or worry) too far ahead.

Whenever meat is cooking in the oven Buddy also sits right in front of the oven and barks, telling me he wants some and he has such a big, deep bark as well, esp, for such a small dog and he sounds much bigger than he actually is and when someone comes to the door they'd think he's this big dog, and I'm ready to die any day now except that I really do  want to see the series finale of The Blacklist first because I really want to know what happens and how it ends, and so far no news on when my endoscopy and colonoscopy will be but probably not until September or October is my guess, but if I do have cancer that will give it more time to spread.The Pope is also supposed to be meeting with George Soros so I guess it's true then; the Vatican really is part of the evil New World Order just as I had suspected.

Most days I wake up just wanting to die But I still try.-Ozzy Osbourne


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