Friday, July 21, 2023


Yesterday an hour after my hubby and his brothers set off for their NYC adventure I had come back inside to check on something I was cooking in the oven(I have to start cooking early as our oven is shit and takes hours to cook anything) and I heard the security system ding! indicating a door had been opened(we had programmed years ago so we'd know if any of the kids tried to sneak out, for safety reasons, or if someone's trying to break in,too), so someone was either coming in or going out and it concerned me since my hubby had left, the 28 YR old was at work,and the 16 YR old was still sleeping....leaving only Buddy and I, so who the hell was it? Was someone breaking in, or what, so I went over to investigate and I saw that my hubby and the brothers were back; I saw his brother's van in the driveway and  there was his brother D standing there smoking a cigarette and I asked him why they're back and he casually goes, Oh, you know....stuff naturally that wasn't good enough and I pressed him, Ok, what happened? What did my hubby forget now? (as he's notorious for forgetting/losing things; his cell phone, keys, etc.) and he said, J had to go pee....and I told him, Don't they have gas stations for that, or just do what I did that one time on the way home from the airport; stop by the side of the road and pee...
Well....and it turned out I was right and the doofus did forget something.
His wallet!
He remembered his passport but forgot his wallet!
He tried to quickly exit the van undetected( by me) and tried to sneak ever-so-deftly back into the house to retrieve it so I wouldn't notice, except I did, alerted by the beeping door alarm( ha, ha, busted!) and his brother told me that his watch did alert him it was left behind( he knows he's a dingus and has all his items "tagged" on sort of a GPS thing on his watch and phone so if they get too far out of range it alerts him) but he ignored it!😂
For someone so smart he can be really dumb!


We also got a good storm last night, with torrential rain, thunder, and it seemed like the lightning was right outside my window and some places even had tornado warnings and we're supposed to have the same again today later, and today instead of cooking like usual I'm going to surprise the Boys and order-in a Butter Chicken( we all like) pizza from the pizza place for a weekend treat, and yesterday I sat outside smoking home-grown weed from the 28 YR old's boss and it smelled and tasted like cedar, reminding me of the cedar shavings I used for bedding for my gerbils, Guinea pigs, mice,hamster, etc. as a kid,and I  listened to the chirping of crickets and the buzzing of cicadas and smelled wildflowers. I love summer. The water was also restored later that same day the other day but the advisory was just lifted but we don't drink grungy tap water anyway; you might as well drink gutter water because tap water comes from the sewer.

They say apparantly this is also a bad year for earwigs too although I haven't even seen a single one so far but in Ottawa I remember we used to have tons of them, and my abdomenal pain is still really bad and now even worse as well as now I have horrible cramps as well along with the pain and I suspected something must have had pork( my colon can't tolerate) in it and I checked and sure enough I was right: it was snuck into the lasagne! Who the f*ck puts pork in lasagne? One of my Facebook friends her 1 year old is also having surgery today for his undescended testicle and the 16 YR old was born with that,too, but we decided against surgery( and the possible risks associated with it) and just left it for him to decide when he's older if he wants it or not, not wanting to risk surgery just for something "cosmetic"(and who is going to even know he only has one ball,anyway, and anyone that would should n't care and still love him just the way he is) and he can still father kids with one ball ( " Uniballer") anyway, and that's if he even wants to some day; maybe he'll end up gay or not even want kids and then it won't even matter, anyway.

“She was a wild one; always stomping on eggshells that everyone else tip-toed on.” – Kaitlin Foster


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